1 ugUserAlreadyExists
2 ugGroupAlreadyExists
3 ugULInfoRecNotCreated
4 ugNoMoreUGs
5 ugUserNotFound
6 ugGroupNotFound
7 ugNotAUser
8 ugNotAGroup
9 ugTooManyGroups
10 ugNotaMember
11 ugNoMoreUsers
12 ugNoMoreGroups
13 ugBadParamErr
14 ugUserAlreadyAMember
15 ugAPrmryGroupExists
16 ugServerRunning
17 ugAdminRunning
18 ugNotBtree
19 ugBadKey
20 ugDskFull
21 ugBadUID
22 ugInvalidPasswd
23 ugEOF
24 ugBOF
25 ugUserConnected
26 ugNoMoreEirs
27 ugEirNotFound
28 ugEirInternalErr
97 ugFSRunning
98 ugDefNameErr
99 ugFatalError
-5825 ERR_VLD8_ALLCBSERVERSBUSY - All of the Callback Clients are in use
-5835 ERR_DAMAGED - The ARA file has been modified
----- tasn-all errors below this point are new as of 2.0 ------
-5842 ERR_EXTAUTH_MODULE_NOTFOUND - Client does not have a needed securtiy module
-5843 ERR_EXTAUTH_MODULE_BADVERSION - Incorrect version of a securtiy module
-5844 ERR_EXTAUTH_MODULE_BADRESULT - Client has returned some error in the result field
-5845 ERR_EXTAUTH_MODULE_REJECT_USER - Module is rejecting this user
-5901 ERR_LTM_LISTENER_ID_IN_USE - Specified Listener identifier is in use
-5902 ERR_LTM_NO_LISTENER - Listener of specified type is not available
-5903 ERR_LTM_RESOURCE_NOT_REGISTERED - Listener of specified type is not available
-5904 ERR_LTM_PORT_NOT_CLAIMED - claim request failed because to port is busy
-5905 ERR_LTM_COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED - LTM command not allowed on specified port
-5906 ERR_LTM_BAD_VERSION - connect failed due to incompatible LTM versions
-5907 ERR_LTM_ARBITRATION_TIMEOUT - Time out during the listener arbitration.
-5908 ERR_LTM_KODE_NOT_FOUND - kode resource not found in specified file fail.
-5910 ERR_LTM_RESOURCE_CLAIMED - call failed because resource is already claimed
-5911 ERR_LTM_PORT_RESOURCES_CLAIMED - Port's resources are already claimed
-5912 ERR_LTM_RESOURCE_NOT_CLAIMED - call failed because the resource was unclaimed
-5913 ERR_LTM_PORT_RESOURCES_NOT_CLAIMED - The LTM port's resources are NOT claimed.
-5914 ERR_LTM_PORT_UNCLAIMED - LTM listen port unclaimed
-5915 ERR_LTM_CONNECTION_REFUSED - LTM listener refused connect request
-5916 ERR_LTM_CLAIM_ABORTED - LTM claim call aborted due to LTM_ARB_CLAIM_CANCEL call
-5917 ERR_LTM_END_OF_PORT_LIST - End of open port list reached in current port status session
-5918 ERR_LTM_NOT_CONNECTED - Not connected.
-5919 ERR_LTM_CONNECTION_ABORTED - Connection request aborted
-5920 ERR_LTM_BAD_LENGTH - Length of write request exceeds maximum.
-5921 ERR_LTM_BAD_PARAMETER - Bad parameter.
-5922 ERR_LTM_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS - Command already in progress.
-5923 ERR_LTM_CONNECTED - Connection established.
-5924 ERR_LTM_CONNECT_CANCELED - Connection request canceled.
-5925 ERR_LTM_CONNECT_TIMEDOUT - Connection time out.
-5926 ERR_LTM_NO_DEFAULTS - Could not get default info...
-5927 ERR_LTM_GOOD_BYE - The driver is going away in a rude fashion
-5928 ERR_LTM_BAD_CHECKSUM - Bad checksum in framer
-5929 ERR_LTM_BAD_PROTOCOL - Bad protocol type in PPP frame
-5930 ERR_LTM_BAD_FRAME - Bad PPP frame
-6051 ERR_MNP_NEGOTIATION_FAILURE - Connection parameter negotiation failure
-6052 ERR_MNP_CONNECT_TIME_OUT - Connect request (acceptor mode) timed out
-6053 ERR_MNP_NOT_CONNECTED - Not connected
-6054 ERR_MNP_ABORTED - Request aborted by disconnect request
-6055 ERR_MNP_ATTENTION_DISABLED - Link attention service is not enabled
-6056 ERR_MNP_CONNECT_RETRY_LIMIT - Connect (initiator mode) request retry limit reached.
-6057 ERR_MNP_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS - Command already in progress.
-6058 ERR_MNP_ALREADY_CONNECTED - Connection already established.
-6059 ERR_MNP_INCOMPATIBLE_PROT_LVL - Connection failed due to incompatible protocol levels
-6060 ERR_MNP_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE - Connection handshake failed.
-6000 cclErr_AbortMatchRead - internal error used to abort match read
-6006 cclErr - CCL error base
-6007 cclErr_CloseError - There is at least one script open
-6008 cclErr_ScriptCancelled - Script Canceled
-6009 cclErr_TooManyLines - Script contains too many lines
-6010 cclErr_ScriptTooBig - Script contains too many characters
-6011 cclErr_NotInitialized - CCL has not been initialized
-6012 cclErr_CancelInProgress - Cancel in progress.
-6013 cclErr_PlayInProgress - Play command already in progress.
-6014 cclErr_ExitOK - Exit with no error.
-6015 cclErr_BadLabel - Label out of range.
-6016 cclErr_BadCommand - Bad command.
-6017 cclErr_EndOfScriptErr - End of script reached, expecting Exit.
-6018 cclErr_MatchStrIndxErr - Match string index is out of bounds.
-6019 cclErr_ModemErr - Modem error, modem not responding.
-6020 cclErr_NoDialTone - No dial tone.
-6021 cclErr_NoCarrierErr - No carrier.
-6022 cclErr_LineBusyErr - Line busy.
-6023 cclErr_NoAnswerErr - No answer.
-6024 cclErr_NoOriginateLabel - No @ORIGINATE label
-6025 cclErr_NoAnswerLabel - No @ANSWER label
-6026 cclErr_NoHangUpLabel - No @HANGUP label
ARA 3.0 Scripting
-7102 - Remote Access did not load properly at system startup
-7103 - Remote Access could not set up a port
-7104 - Remote Access is out of memory
-7105 - The requested action is not supported
-7106 - One or more resources are missing from Remote Access installed files
-7107 - The Remote Access Connections file is not compatible with the installed version of Remote Access
-7108 - An action requiring a connection was requested when there was no connection
-7109 - The connection attempt or established connection was terminated by the user
-7112 - An unexpected error with no useful information has occurred
-7113 - One or more of the installed Remote Access files is damaged
-7114 - The requested action could not be performed because Remote Access was busy
-7115 - The Remote Access logical port is in an unknown state
-7116 - The Remote Access logical port is in an invalid state
-7117 - The Remote Access logical port has detected an invalid serial protocol
-7118 - Login is disabled for the given user
-7120 - The server administrator requires the user to enter a password
-7122 - Remote Access could not initialize Open Transport
-7123 - The requested action could not be performed because Remote Access is not fully initialized yet
-7124 - TCP/IP is inactive and can not be loaded
-7125 - TCP/IP is not yet configured
-7126 - PPP is not selected as the TCP/IP interface in the current TCP/IP configuration
-7128 - The requested PPP protocol was rejected by the PPP peer
-7129 - User authentication failed
-7130 - PPP negotiation failed
-7131 - Connection was lost unexpectedly
-7132 - The remote side disconnected unexpectedly
-7133 - The remote side is not responding
-7151 - The Remote Access log file is not open
-7152 - The Remote Access log file is already open
-7153 - The Remote Access log entry could not be retrieved
-7155 - Remote Access cannot locate the active System Folder
-7156 - Remote Access cannot locate its Preferences folder
-7157 - There is a preexisting file using a Remote Access type or creator
-7158 - There is a preexisting folder using a Remote Access folder name and location
-7159 - The Remote Access Connections file is not open
-7161 - An unknown control protocol type was received
-7162 - Remote Access received a packet with an invalid length
-7163 - Remote Access received a negotiable option with an invalid value
-7164 - Remote Access received a negotiable option with invalid flags
-7165 - Remote Access ran out of memory while negotiating with the peer
-7169 - Remote Access encountered an error with no useful information
-7170 - Remote Access is in an invalid state
-7180 - The user canceled the password entry dialog
-7181 - The user did not respond to the password entry dialog in time
-7182 - An unknown serial port was referenced
-7183 - The Remote Access logical port is not configured
-7184 - No AppleTalk servicesÕ endpoints are available
-7185 - The modem script ASK or manual dialing dialog was canceled by the user