System 7.5: Desktop Printer Opens Applications To Print (3/95)

I have an Excel 5.0 document that I want to print using the desktop printer in System 7.5. When I drag the document to the desktop printer, it launches the application. Why is this? I thought the desktop printer did not have to launch the application to print the document.

In System 7.5, when you drag a document to the desktop printer, it launches the application that created the document. This is because the only way to print a document is from within the application. There is, however, a special kind of print file that can be opened and displayed without needing the fonts or application with which it was created.

Portable Digital Documents (PDDs)
This special print file is called a Portable Digital Document (PDD). A PDD file may be dragged to a desktop printer and printed directly, without the original application or "PDD application" having to be opened.

QuickDraw GX
QuickDraw GX introduced a new type of printing from the Finder -- dragging files to a desktop printer. This feature was made backwards compatible witn non-QuickDraw GX aware applications, but they behave differently.

To avoid launching an application when printing to a desktop printer, save the files in a PDD file format. Create a PDD desktop printer then print to it, or save the file from the application in a PDD file format.

Article Change History:
06 Mar 1995 - Added keyword; updated GX explanation.
14 Feb 1995 - Updated keyword; reviewed for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012