Switching Between Operating Systems
With the DOS Compatibility Card you can easily switch between the MS-DOS and Mac OS without disturbing the applications running in either partition ð there is no need to restart each time or close active applications.
Once you set the PC Setup Control Panel to ON (and restart once to "activate" it), you switch between operating systems by pressing the "hot key" sequence defined in the PC Setup window. The default sequence is Command-Return.
When you press Command-Return, your system immediately switches from the current operating system to the alternate operating system. Your keyboard and mouse work with the currently active operating system.
Troubleshooting Tip
* MS-DOS appears to "lock-up" or "freeze", but the Mac OS works
If you are using a single monitor and your monitor darkens when you switch from the Mac OS to MS-DOS, but you do not get the DOS prompt or any other visual signal that MS-DOS is operating, you need to check the video cable. The DOS Compatibility Card video cable has four connectors on it. One of the connectors plugs into the DOS Compatibility Card, one of the connectors is for a MS-DOS game port, one connector is for a VGA monitor, and the other connector is for a standard Macintosh monitor. If this cable is not connected properly, it will appear that when you switch to MS-DOS, it freezes. Refer to your DOS Compatibility Card User's Guide for instructions on properly installing the video cable.
Using Your Macintosh Mouse In MS-DOS
A mouse driver is automatically installed when you use MS-Windows.
Troubleshooting Tip
* The Macintosh mouse doesn't work in MS-DOS applications.
You must install a compatible mouse driver in MS-DOS to get the mouse to work when you are not in MS-Windows. You can use a Microsoft-compatible mouse driver on you Macintosh mouse. Two mouse drivers found on most on-line services that work properly are DRVR624.ZIP and MOUSE701.ZIP. The Tech Info Library articles titled "Pwr Mac DOS Compatibility Card: Mouse Driver for MS-DOS" and "DOS Compatibility Card: Doesn't Include DOS Mouse Driver" contain complete instructions on installing a compatible mouse driver.
Whether or not other peripherals attached to your system work in DOS depends on your particular system hardware configuration.
Copying Between Operating Systems
You can easily copy a variety of information (such as text and graphics) between operating systems. Read your "Macintosh DOS Compatibility Card User's Guide" for a complete description of the types of information you can copy. You can, for example, create a graphic using a graphics tool in one operating system, and then copy and paste it into a document in the other operating system.
Troubleshooting Tip
* Some items you copy are not copied between the Mac OS and MS-Windows
If an application, such as Adobe PageMaker, uses a custom clipboard, you will not be able to copy and paste between the Mac OS and MS-Windows. The Tech Info Library article "DOS Compatibility Card: Cannot Convert Custom Clipboards" provides full details on this problem.
Using Separate Monitors
If you use separate monitors for DOS and Macintosh, when you press Command-Return while in the Macintosh operating system, your Macintosh screen dims, active applications continue unaffected, and your DOS monitor becomes active.
When you press Command-Return again, your Macintosh screen brightens and your keyboard and mouse again interface with the Macintosh monitor. Your DOS screen does not dim and any DOS applications you started continue running.
Using a Single Monitor
If you use a single monitor for both operating systems, when you press Command-Return, your current desktop (open folders, active windows, etc.) is saved and replaced by the desktop you are switching to.
As with multiple monitors, active applications continue running even though you cannot see them on your desktop. When you switch back, the saved desktop redisplays, showing any new information (such as a completed process that you began before switching).
Article Change History:
31 May 1995 - Added troubleshooting tips and retitled article.
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