Connectix has no plans to change their installer and Apple will not be providing any kind of installer for Mode32, but there is a workaround.
You could use AppleScript to accomplish what you need by following these steps:
1. Install Mode32 on one system.
2. Copy the Mode32 extension from that system to a floppy or server.
There are no other dependencies (i.e. no System file resources
3. Use an AppleScript, like the one below to install Mode32.
tell application "Finder"
-- Delete Apple's "32-Bit System Enabler", if found.
if exists file "32-Bit System Enabler" in extensions folder then
delete file "32-Bit System Enabler" in extensions folder
end if
-- Delete earlier versions of Mode32, if found.
if exists file "MODE32" in control panels folder then
delete file "MODE32" in control panels folder
end if
-- Delete current version of Mode32, if found.
if exists file "MODE32" in extensions folder then
delete file "MODE32" in extensions folder
end if
-- Install Mode32 extension from floppy (could just as easily be a
-- No registration dialog to deal with.
if exists file "MODE32" in disk "MODE32 Installation Disk" then
copy file "MODE32" in disk "MODE32 Installation Disk" to extensions
end if
empty trash
end tell
Connectix Tech Support will fully support installing Mode32 in this way.
A more thorough script could check file validity by looking for possible
variations on the filename (if "Mode32" had been renamed "Mode32 v1.2" for
example), file version, file type, etc.
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