Retrospect Remote Control Panel Security Issue

This article describes a security issue where the Retrospect Remote Control Panel has been installed in your system, and Remote has not been configured by the backup server administrator.
When you install the Retrospect Remote Control Panel and restart, Remote is activated and waits for the server to download a security code and serial number. If the server does not do this, anyone with a copy of Retrospect and a set of serial numbers can initialize your system, backup your hard drive to theirs, and then de-initialize your system without you noticing.

Once a Remote Control Panel has been initialized with a serial number, this is not an issue. This security issue only exists if you install the Remote Control Panel in your system and don't initialize it. Either disable the Control Panel or get it initialized by your backup administrator.

Follow these steps to see if your system is set up correctly:

1) Open the Control Panels from the Apple menu. If the Remote control panel is not present (it is the last file listed when viewed by name), it was not installed and this issue does not affect you.

2) If the Remote control panel is present, open it by double clicking. If you see "A/C xxx-xxx-xxxx" (where the "x characters" represent the serial number) in the bottom third of the Retrospect Remote window, then no one can re-initialize your Remote control panel, unless your security password is guessed. Your password is set by the backup server administrator when the serial number is downloaded. Check with the administrator to find out whether your password is good or bad.

3) If the Remote control panel is present, and it shows something other than what is described in Step 2, then drag the Remote control panel out of your Control Panels folder onto the desktop and restart your Macintosh. This removes the security hole. Also contact your backup server administrator.

Also, while you have it open, check to see when the last time your backup was preformed. If it has been a while, check with your administrator to find out why.

If you have a copy of Remote in your Control Panels folder, and you are not being backed up by Retrospect, you should remove it. There is no reason to have it installed unless it is being used to backup your system. If you are using it, and it is configured properly there is no security issue. Users who just install Remote into the Control Panels folder, or had it installed for them and forget it, are at risk.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012