Pinpoint: Version 1.1

This article describes the features and changes of Pinpoint v1.1.
On the Install side, five files have changed:

PINPOINT.SYSTEM - Driver restructured so as to not wipe out the interrupt vector at $FFFE. This resolves the incompatibility with Quark Catalyst.

Driver restructured so that when searching for a disk containing sufficient space for work, if Slinky, then automatically accepted.

Install detects whether /RAM has been removed from the device table, and if so, then the bitmap is not modified. This resolves the incompatibility with MouseDesk.

Install - reads "Version 1.1 November 1, 1985".

PINPOINTPROFILE - has been changed to reflect the removal of "Cut and Paste" as an option in the Pinpoint window.

INSTALL.SYSTEM - Cosmetic change to reflect new release date and version.

1. New capability for installing Pinpoint on applications that are not in a root directory. The logic is as follows:

First, all devices are searched for the desired startup program (i.e. APLWORKS.SYSTEM). If it is not located on any disk drive in a root directory, a dialog box appears. It requests for the user to insert the correct disk or press Open-Apple-P to specify explicitly the pathname of the application. If the user presses Open-Apple-P, then he is prompted for the pathname. For instance, if you Appleworks is set up on your profile disk under the APPLEWORKS path, then you would type /PROFILE/APPLEWORKS. The program would then enhance /PROFILE/APPLEWORKS/APLWORKS.SYSTEM.

BIG IMPORTANT NOTE: Quark Catalyst renames the AppleWorks startup filename to "APPLWORKS." from "APLWORKS.SYSTEM". Pinpoint searches for "APLWORKS.SYSTEM", and will not locate the renamed file. If the user is using Quark Catalyst, they must install to the 5.25" floppy diskette.

2. A warning message is now issued if you "Quit" the installation program after having changed some parmaters and not installing Pinpoint on any program.

CATALYSTDESKTOP - Cosmetic change to reflect new release number and date. In addition, cut-and-paste references have been removed.

IMAGEWRITER.0 - Imagewriter print driver was changed so as to suppress the "Z" that appeared in GraphMerge preceeding the second graphic image on an Apple IIc.

SCRIBE.0 - Same as above for Scribe.

FLIP SIDE - Several Accessory files have been changed.

CUTANDPASTE.PP - has been removed from version 1.1.

Graphmerge now works better with extra RAM and version 1.3 of AppleWorks. Version 1.2 of AppleWorks does not recognize the Memory, so therefore it left it alone. It now recognizes it, and uses it as part of its desktop. This slows down the performance of GraphMerge because it cannot expand. In version 1.0 of Pinpoint, work files were created and rendered unusable because of the memory usage of 1.3. The temporary work files are no longer created. In either case the user cannot really tell that there is a difference.

In addition, when going to Open a document with a memory card intact, the /RAM drive always appeared first. It will now bypass that drive.

DIALER - Now provides a broader support for modem dialing. This is done by broader serial card support.

COMM.PP - Communications has been improved to resolve some problems in release 1.0

1. There is now XON/XOFF support in PLAY mode, so that the user can send information to CompuServe, MCI, etc., correctly.

2. The code has been restructured so that it is more organized and expandable in the future.

3. There is a broader support for modems and interface cards.

4. This version will run more reliably on an enhanced IIc (that is "c" not "e"). The machine check has been improved.

CALENDAR.PP - The calendar was improved to handle the "Disk Full" condition appropriately.

1. Previously, if the disk full condition arose, an invalid pointer was left in the file. This leads to perpetual "Disk=Error" condition when the disk does not even spin.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012