Pinpoint: Version 1.2

This article describes the features and changes of Pinpoint v1.2.
This release of Pinpoint primarily broadens our Modem support base. It now supports the MicroModem IIe and Zoom Telephonics internal modems in the touch tone dialing mode. Please note that version 1.2 does not support the Novation modems as orignally planned. The communication package has been, once again, improved dramatically.

Version 1.2 also corrects some printing problems in GraphMerge related to headers/footers and proportional font selections.

Version 1.2 includes a brief BASIC program that can lengthen the phone dialer delay (for rotary dialing) or change the Imagewriter reset (in that Imagewriter 2 does not reset).

A more reliable check for "Something in the slot" has been added for printing. This way the Typewriter will not crash if nothing is installed in the printer slot.

Communications/Dialer changes:

The communications package has been enhanced. The XON/XOFF problem described in technical note TN-008 has been corrected. Premature disconnect when pulse dialing has been corrected (TN-014). Possible over-writing of the phone directory when recording has been corrected. Control characters are now filtered out in communications, with the exception of Control-Q.

In addition, the auto-answer mode has been corrected. Previously, a phone call had to be made within about 30 seconds, or it would have given up in despair. In addition, manual dialing can be done for those modems without auto-dialing capability.

Hidden within Version 1.2 is also a whole world of capability that will be addresses in a supplementary disk. This allows the user to define a handshake character, remap characters incoming and outgoing, etc.

Specific Modem Support:

Version 1.0/1.1 worked with an Apple Super Serial card and various external modems, such as:

Apple 300/1200 Baud
All Hayes external
Prometheus 1200 external
Prometheus 300c external
Volksmodem 12 external
Popcom X100

Now, release 1.2 also incorporates:

Hayes Micromodem IIe internal (tone dialing only)
Zoom Modem IIe (tone dialing only)

In addition, Version 1.2 broadens the interface card support beyond the Super Serial card to include:

A.S.T Multi-I/O card
Prometheus Versa Card
C.C.S. I/O card
A.I.O. I/O card
Apple Serial card

The ZAP program:

The ZAP program is a very simple BASIC program that allows the user to change two things: timing delay when dialing via a rotary dial, and reset of the Imagewriter printer.

The reason for changing the delay for rotary dialing is that rotary dialing takes significantly longer than pulse, and the phone dialer may terminate and go back to the application before even finishing dialing. The user can lengthen this time period. 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678

The reason for the Imagewriter reset disable is that we reset the Imagewriter to its startup values when we are done printing. This change will prohibit the reseting of the printer. This allows people with Imagewriter II's to maintain their near-letter-quality setting throughout.

In order to run the Zap program, the person should startup their copy of Pinpoint Install disk, and select BASIC. Once basic is selected, the user is placed in an immediate command mode. The user should type "-ZAP" followed by return. The user then chooses a menu selection item as shown below:


0. Quit this program
1. Run the Installation program
2. Modify ImageWriter driver for no reset
3. Change Dialer delay


Once the user has carried out their zap, they must then re-install Pinpoint on their program.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012