These options are dimmed if File Sharing is turned on. This can be determined by choosing Show Balloons from the Help menu and moving the arrow pointer over the check boxes. It is possible to enable File Sharing while Folder Protection is on but this can cause some unexpected behavior. To completely disable Folder Protection, open and close the General Controls panel. Even though the check boxes are dimmed, Folder Protection will be completely disabled.
System 7.5.3 and Later
Enabling Folder Protection will lock the names of the Applications folder and the System Folder. If you enable File Sharing, you will not be able to rename the folders until you have opened and closed the General Controls control panel.
Mac OS 8.0 and 8.1
Enabling Folder Protection no longer locks the names of the Applications folder and System Folder.
Mac OS 8.5 and 8.6
Enabling Folder Protection no longer locks the names of the Applications folder and System Folder. The Applications folder is locked during Mac OS installation.
Mac OS 9.0
This feature has been removed from the General Controls control panel and is now part of the Multiple Users control panel. For information, please see Tech Info Library article 25132: "
Mac OS 9: Some Options Dimmed In General Controls Panel."