Pinpoint: Auto-copy capability

Pinpoint automatically copies desktop accessories from the disk to the RAM drive if:

(a) your Apple is equipped with the Apple Memory Card, or

(b) your machine is equipped with the Applied Engineering Z-RAM or RamWorks, or Checkmate MultiRam, your memory is partitioned such that a RAM drive exists while AppleWorks is running, and Pinpoint has been enhanced so as to treat the third party cards as equivalents to the Apple Memory Cards.
If you do not wish certain accessories to be copied to the RAM drive at startup, a "patch" can be applied to a file called "PINPOINTPROFILE" on the installation side of the Pinpoint disk.

The file "PINPOINTPROFILE" contains a description of each desktop accessory installed. This description entails the Accessory name (that appears in the Pop-Up window), the ProDOS system file name, the memory requirements for each accessory, as well as modem and printer parameters. In addition, a flag is set for each accessory that should be copied to the RAM drive at startup.

The file "PINPOINTPROFILE" is 768 bytes long. The last 16 bytes in the file are set to "1" or "0". A "1" means that the accessory should be copied to the RAM drive at startup if a RAM drive is available, a "0" means no. The order corresponds to the order that the accessories appear in the pop-up window.

Assume that we load the "PINPOINTPROFILE" file in memory:


A "1" would print. This means that the Appointment Calendar accessory (CALENDAR.PP) should be copied to the Ram drive at startup. If this was set to "0", then it would not be.

Once the changes have been made to "PINPOINTPROFILE", the file should be save back to disk via:


At that point, you can re-install Pinpoint on AppleWorks with the associated changes.

OPTIONALLY: The Ram Enhancement Kit WILL allow you to selectively choose the accessories and ProDOS files that you want to go into RAM.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012