HyperCard 2.2: Can‘t Access Tool Palette (10/94)

I am using HyperCard 2.2 on my Macintosh Quadra 630 and I want to access the Tools palette by hitting option-tab. I get the message that the Apple Video Player cannot find the appropriate hardware to activate.

The option-tab key combination to access the Tools palette in HyperCard 2.2 is also the same default key combination to turn on the Apple Video Player.

The Macintosh Quadra 630 does not come with the Apple Presentation System or the Apple Video/TV System pre-installed, so the Apple Video player application cannot startup.

To avoid this error message do the following:
1) open the Apple Video Player
2) access the Setup menu
3) select Hot Keys
4) change the key combination to activate the Apple Video Player
to something other than option-tab.

The next time option-tab is used to access the Tools palette in HyperCard, the Tools palette will be activated, not the Apple Video Player application.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012