Here are the steps for a manual install:
1) Make sure you are at the c:\\ prompt, insert Spectrum disk into the drive
2) Type in "xcopy x: c:\\spectrum<cr>" where "x" is the drive the Spectrum floppy is in.
3) If the c:\\spectrum directory does not exist, the system will ask you if c:\\spectrum is supposed to be a file or a directory. Hit "d" for directory, and the files from the Spectrum disk will be copied to the newly created Spectrum directory on the c: drive.
4) After the copy is completed, type "cd c:\\spectrum<cr>". You are now in the Spectrum directory.
5) Type "lharc e programs.lzh<cr>". If it asks you if you want to overwrite any files, answer yes.
6) Edit the config.sys file by typing in "edit c:\\config.sys<cr>". Add the following two lines:
device=c:\\spectrum\\mvsound.sys d:x q:y s:1,220,1,5 M:0 J:0
device=c:\\spectrum\\tslcdr.sys d:/mvcd001
(where "x" = the DMA channel desired and "y" = the IRQ desired)
hit <alt>F, then "x", then hit <cr>. Alt-F pulls down the "file" menu, "x" is for ext, and <cr> answers yes to save the file.
Type "edit c:\\windows\\system.ini<cr>" to add the proper lines to the system.ini file if also installing the software for Windows.
8) Add the following to the system.ini file:
Under the [386Enh] section:
Under the [mci] section
Under the [drivers] section
Add the following sections at the end of the system.ini file, include the lines listed under the section headings:
dma=x (where "x" = the DMA channels set in the config.sys file)
irq=y (where "y" = the IRQ set in the config.sys file)
9) Reboot the machine. If it hangs, then boot to floppy and change the values for "d" and/or "q" in the "mvsound.sys" line. The best thing to do again is to get a diagnostic program to tell you which DMA/IRQ channels are available, so you don't have to keep trying different combinations. The install program is NOT reliable enough to determine free DMA/IRQ channels 100% of the time. Manually loading the software as described above will work almost all of the time.
10) After a successful boot, type "cd c:\\spectrum<cr>" then type "playfile testdma.wav<cr>". This will test the sound card. If you hear sound (assuming the speakers are connected correctly), then everything is set up correctly and working properly. If you don't hear sound, check for possible DMA and/or IRQ conflict.
If you have tried a DMA/IRQ combination that you know is free and the machine still hangs, its possible you have either a corrupted driver or an old driver.
The "mvsound.sys" line is the sound card device driver.
The "tslcdr.sys" line is the cdrom device driver. Notice that you MUST add "mscdex.exe" to the autoexec.bat file to be able to access the CD-ROM drive. See the DOS documentation for information on mscdex.exe
Some things to watch out for:
1. Incompatible device drivers or tsrs. If the sound card device driver hangs the machine and you know it's set to a valid DMA/IRQ combination AND you know the driver to be good, eliminate other driver/tsr conflicts by loading the spectrum device driver by itself.
2. Board conflicts: If the machine is loaded with expansion boards (modem, network card, SCSI card, etc...) it could be that you DON'T have any DMA or IRQs left! Be sure you KNOW what all boards in the system are set to, so you can avoid conflicts.
3. Corrupted drivers.