Excel 5.0: DataViz MacLink Plus Issue

I am using Excel 5.0 and System 7.5. I launch Excel and save the data as a Microsoft Workbook data file. While Excel is still open, I double click on the data file to open it, when DataViz kicks in and reports "the application cannot be found, would you like an alternative program". It seems like the following is happening:

Excel does not seem to know it is already opened, so then DataViz translators launch they do not recognize the new Workbook data files. Does DataViz have updated translators for Excel 5.0 Workbook files, or is it possible to setup the existing DataViz MacLink Plus translators to read Workbook data files?

When I uncheck the box for show only recommended choices, I get the whole hard drive, which defeats the benefit of DataViz translators.

I can use File open and then search to open the data file, but it does not want to work that way.
Without Easy Open installed, whenever you double-click on a file, your Macintosh tries to find an application with a matching "signature". If there is one, the application is opened and the file is blindly given to that application to be opened. If there is no matching signature, a message appears telling you the application could not be found (sometimes with an additional option to open the file using TeachText).

With Easy Open installed, every time you double-click on a file, Easy Open searches certain resources located inside your applications with a matching "signature" as well as Easy Open's translation components to ensure that the application can open that file.

Due to the sequence in which Easy Open searches, the combination of any version of Easy Open with Excel 5.0 and MacLinkPlus for Easy Open 7.5 (which is aware of Excel 4.0 but not Excel 5.0) causes Easy Open to not allow Excel 5.0 open its own document. This is not a bug in any of these individual components, but a problem with how these components interact when they are not aware of each other.


Short Term Solution
Turn Macintosh Easy Open off. Macintosh Easy Open is located in the Control Panels folder.

Long Term Solution
Use MacLinkPlus for Easy Open 7.52p1 (RD-MLP-EASYOPEN). This can be obtained by contacting DataViz technical support.


Use MacLinkPlus version 8.00 or higher.


Upgrade to Microsoft Excel 5.0a which fixed the problem.

The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for DataViz Inc.'s address and phone number.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012