Apple RAID also provides the system administrator protection against data on two mirrored disks from becoming different or "out-of-sync". If there is a power failure between writes to disks containing a mirrored volume, it is possible (but unlikely) that different information could exist on the two mirrored partitions. This might occur if the system was not shutdown in a controlled manner (that is; not using the Special/Shut Down command).
If something like this occurs, then after a restart, the user is warned that the mirrored volume may be "out-of-sync". Under these conditions, the system software cannot conclusively determine which disk (if either) may have incorrect data.
If this warning appears, Apple RAID lets users either "resync" the two disks, or split the mirrored volume into two separate HFS volumes, and manually determine which disk has the best information. From here, users can recreate a mirrored volume from the HFS volume with the best information. The detection recovery options for "out-of-sync" mirrored volumes is a significant benefit to customers requiring a high data integrity.
In summary, Apple RAID software's implementation of RAID 1, or mirroring, is very flexible and provides you with broad protection against disk failures.
RAID 0 - Striping
A second benefit of Apple RAID is potentially increased system performance through disk striping. A striped volume is created by spreading data across multiple disks (up to four) and multiple SCSI buses (up to two on the Workgroup Server 8150 and 9150). Instead of an I/O transaction occurring sequentially on one disk spindle, as with a normal HFS volume, striping allows for parallel access to disks in a striped volume. This may result in faster I/O transactions and/or greater data throughput. However, many factors effect the performance of a striped volume including:
* Type of disk drives.
* Software application being used.
*╩Size of the I/O transaction (in bytes or blocks).
For example, a graphics/imaging customer who consistently moves large sequential files (10+ MB), would configure their striped volume differently than a database user who may require many small I/O transactions (about 8╩KB per I/O).
Apple RAID gives you the ability to control the size of each I/O transaction with a parameter called "Stripe Unit Size". There has been little investigation into optimizing the performance of a striped volume for different applications.
Refer to the following publications for additional information about RAID technology:
"RAID: An Introduction to Redundant Array of Independent Disks" by: Apple Computer, World Wide Performance Systems, May 1994.
"The RAID Book: A Source Book for RAID Technology" by: The RAID Advisory Board, Lino Lakes MN, June 1993, 1st Edition.