ARA Clients on Quadra 700 with Global Village Modem
The following problem occurs only with Global Village Modems on certain Quadra 700s. Have the Global Village modem off at startup, and the machine set to answer calls. After booting, turn the modem on, and try to connect to the server. The modems try to connect, but for some reason they don't, and you get an error. The bug is probably in the serial driver. The workaround is to turn something on and off in the ARA setup control panel. We recommend that you toggle the speaker on/off button.
ARA clients and MacTCP
If MacTCP is configured to run over AppleTalk, but the zone is set to one where there is no DDP/IP gateway (KIP server) when you try to open the driver (that is launching NCSA Telnet/Mosaic/Eudora) you get an error message. If you then switch to another zone in the MacTCP control panel and try again, everything works fine. The machine crashes the next time there is an AppleTalk Transition event (such as opening up, closing an ARA connection, going to sleep, restarting/shutting down or changing ADEVs in the Network control panel). This is a bug in MacTCP 2.0.x and probably earlier versions, it is a known bug, but it doesn't crash the machine until ARA does something, so people will think ARA crashed their machine. Workaround: restart the machine, and change zones in the MacTCP control panel before launching any TCP applications. (If applications are set to launch on startup, you have to change before restarting, probably suffer a crash at that point, and it should work properly once you finally boot without having MacTCP opened in a KIPless zone.)
ARA clients using DialAssist internationally
DialAssist works by concatenating Prefix + Long-Distance + International-Access-Code + Country-Code + City/Area-Code + Number + Suffix for international calls. Some long-distance services (Sprint for instance) make it easier on their subscribers by not requiring that long, nasty 011 "access out" code. So if I set DialAssist to dial through Sprint it generates the right domestic US string (9,╩103330╩408╩974-8100 ,1234567890 for example) but the wrong string for my ARA server in London (9, 103330 011 44 71 26580 ,1234567890) because the friendly people at Sprint want me to dial (9, 103330 1 44 71 26580,1234567890) to get international access. The workaround is to edit the Access Out code for the United States and change it to 1 (instead of 011) if and only if you are using Sprint. Other carriers probably have other restrictions.
ARA clients using DialAssist within an area code
When using DialAssist to make long-distance calls either within the same area code (calling Portland, OR from Eugene, OR for example) or when the area code is the empty string (as certain calls in France are), there is a workaround to get DialAssist to dial the right number: use the first part of the phone number as a fake area code. For instance, to call Portland OR (503 965 1234) from Eugene (503 344 5075), you can tell DialAssist to dial the number 1234 in "area code" 965, and it will stick the long-distance carrier/1 into the dial string.
Net Installs using ARA and Express Modems
Users will not be able to perform network installs over ARA if they are using the Express Modem. Because Net Installs require all applications to quit and because the express modem software runs as an application, the express modem will disconnect an ARA connection if the user tries a Net Install. The workaround is to a modem other than the Express Modem for Network Installs over ARA.
Router and ARA MultiPort and one-way Choosing
If a user is running the ARA MultiPort Server on the same machine as an Apple Internet Router, users may notice that nodes on the server's network cannot "see" ARA client nodes from the Chooser. However, ARA client nodes can see the other network nodes without any problems and communication between the nodes can occur normally. If this is a problem, a workaround is to select LocalTalk for the user port of the Router (that is in the Network Control Panel). Another workaround is to separate the router and the ARA server onto different machines.
ARA MP on 840AV computers with more than 1 Serial NB card
Under stress conditions, an ARA MultiPort Server running on a Macintosh 840AV configured with more than one Serial NB card (that is more than 4 ports) may crash with a BusErr. There is no workaround at this time. As a result, ARA MultiPort with more than four ports is not supported on the 840AV.
ARA and PowerTalk Direct Dialup
If ARA is installed on a machine that has PowerTalk Direct Dialup installed, the PowerTalk Direct Dialup will no longer work. To obtain PowerTalk mail, the user should first establish an ARA connection to the network and then use PowerTalk mail. PowerTalk Direct Dialup should not be necessary.
ARA MultiPort on Power Macintosh, Workgroup Server, or 840AV computers
If certain conditions exist (outlined below), the ARA MultiPort Server may hang in a busy wait loop. The conditions are as follows:
* the machine is a Power Macintosh, a Workgroup Server, or an 840AV
* the administrator has set some zone restrictions
* there is more than one access to the zone information at the same time, for example global changes to the user database, global exports, or some other zone-related admin operation while a user is logging in.
These should be unusual circumstances, but if they do occur, the administrator's only option is to restart the machine. There is no workaround at this time. The development team is interested in learning if this problem does occur in the real world.
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