QuickDraw GX: Line on Printout With StyleWriter GX (4/95)

When printing to a StyleWriter II from QuickDraw GX-aware applications, a faint black border line appears on the right margin. This happens only when QuickDraw GX is installed and the StyleWriter GX printer driver is being used. We are using the UK (United Kingdom) localized version of the QuickDraw GX software.

This problem only occurs with non-U.S. versions of QuickDraw GX. This issue has been fixed by the StyleWriter GX 1.1.1 driver. Apple has posted this software online.

These articles can help you locate the software update mentioned here:

* Where To Find Apple Software Updates
Lists online services for "free" Apple software updates.

* Obtaining Apple Product Support in the USA
Lists 800 numbers and online services for software updates, Apple
support information, and a subset of the Apple Tech. Info. Library.

If you do not have QuickDraw GX 1.1.1 yet, try this workaround in the interim. In the Page Setup dialog of your application, there is a pop-up field called "Format For" where you should select the printer to which you are printing. If this field is set for "Any Printer," then the problem occurs. Selecting "StyleWriter GX" should solve the problem.

To reiterate, this problem ONLY occurs with QuickDraw GX-aware applications on non-U.S. versions of QuickDraw GX.

This problem may still occur with the Color StyleWriter 2400, although we have neither verified or received any reports of this.

Article Change History:
10 Apr 1995 - Added information about QuickDraw GX 1.1.1.
22 Feb 1995 - Added keyword; minor technical updates.
16 Feb 1995 - Changed keyword and reviewed for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012