Multiple Scan 15 Display: 1024 x 768 Not Supported on Macintosh

I noticed in the Appendix of Technical Information in my Multiple Scan 15 Display User's Guide (page 31) that the Resolution range says 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768. I can't seem to get 1024 x 768 as a selection in my Monitors control panel.

Can you confirm if the manual is incorrect, or document how to get 1024 x 768 out of the Multiple Scan 15"?
1024x768 is not available on all Macintosh computers at this time. Availability of this resolution depends on the model of CPU, video card used and amount of available VRAM.

The Multiple Scan 15 can display this particular resolution mode when used in conjunction with the appropriate IBM PC or compatible.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012