Express Modem Does Not Support Faxing Gray Scale Images (11/94)

I've noticed when I have a document on screen with several shades of gray, and I Fax it using my Express Modem software, it results in a black and white image at the receiving end. Darker shades of gray are replaced with black, and lighter shades of gray are replaced with white. Doesn't the Express Modem software support Faxing in gray scale?

No, the Express Modem software does not support Faxing in gray scale.

If your document application supports dithering, which means converting each shade of gray to a mixture of black and white dots, you can first save the image as black and white, then Fax it.  The appearance may not be as good as printing the file to a printer that supports gray scale.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012