System 7.5: Problems With Quicken and Control Strip (2/95)

I am having a problem with the Control Strip when using Quicken 4.0 on my PowerBook running System 7.5. When the Control Strip is on top of one of the transactions or the display window and the arrows are used to scroll, the Control Strip is redrawn over each transaction line.

Apple is aware of this incompatibility and there are several other applications that also have this problem.

The issue revolves around how the application is redrawing the screen. Applications that incorrectly use the 'CopyBits' QuickDraw routine to scroll are going to conflict with the Control Strip. According to Apple Developer Technical Support, developers should be using the 'ScreenRect' routine, instead, to avoid redraw conflicts.

I contacted Intuit today regarding this problem. They explained that they would look into the problem to see how they can best resolve it. They would not commit to a specific timeframe. You need to contact Intuit for further information regarding a fix.

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Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012