(Lisa)Mac XL : LisaTest V.2.2 - Error 3 in Step 7

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Lisa Test Error number 3 displayed
during Step 7 when using version 2.2 indicates a "Parallel Port
VIA Interrupt Failure".

CAUSE: The hard disk may be formatted for Macintosh software
or have been partitioned for a shared Macintosh and Lisa
environment when the 7/7 office system was installed.
LisaTest version 2.2 does not operate with
these configurations.

CURE: Use LisaTest 3.0 or later for Macintosh formatted hard disks.
Use Mac XL/Lisa Modification Test Version 1.0 or later for Square
Pixel Screen Driver.

If this cure does not resolve the problem, go to the Lisa 2/Macintosh
XL Technical Procedures, for the troubleshooting procedures for
this product.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012