PC Exchange 2.0.2: File Size Issue (12/94)

With PC Exchange 2.0.2 on my system and others, I see a variation in file size of PC files when I do Get Info from the File menu. For example it will say, "99k on disk (340,272 bytes used)". I used Extensions Manager to turn off all non-Apple extensions but PC Exchange, but I didn't see any difference. I tried DOS files from different PC's and on different disks with the same results. If I revert to an older version of PC Exchange this does not happen.

The numbers are the reverse of what I expected. I expected the size on disk to be larger than the actual file size, because a file must use complete allocation blocks even if it doesn't fill them. What's wrong?

We are aware of the problem, and it is a purely cosmetic issue. Indications suggest a possible Finder problem, as opposed to Macintosh PC Exchange. It is felt that this problem affects a very small percentage of users who read that Get Info window, and there is no chance of data loss.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012