Apple HD SC Setup: Updating SCSI Disk Drivers (1/95)

This article provides information for updating SCSI disk drivers in the following areas:

* When updating from System 6.0.x to System 7.x.
* HD SC Setup returns the message, "Unable to find a suitable SCSI drive".
* HD SC Setup "Update" button was dimmed (disabled).

When updating from System 6.0.x to System 7.x

For drives initialized with Apple HD SC Setup 1.0
If the hard drive was initialized with drivers installed by Apple HD SC Setup 1.0, you don't need to update the drive to work with System 7 or later. Virtual Memory does work with the drivers installed by Apple HD SC Setup 1.0. But the drivers installed by Apple HD SC Setup 1.0 are NO LONGER SUPPORTED by Apple, and if your computer is later than a Macintosh Plus, using the drivers installed by Apple HD SC Setup 7.x gives you faster hard drive access speed.

NOTE: Hard drives initialized with Apple HD SC Setup 1.0 cannot be updated; they must be re-initialized, meaning that all the data on them would have to be placed back on later, after you have reformatted them with HD SC Setup 7.x.

WARNING: You must back up your data before reformatting your hard drive because the formatting process will delete all data.

For drives initialized with Apple HD SC Setup 2.0 or later
If the hard drive was initialized with drivers installed by Apple HD SC Setup 2.0 or later, you will want to update the hard drive with Apple HD SC Setup 7.x because:

* Bugs in the previous versions are fixed with the new driver installed by
Apple HD SC Setup 7.x.

* Virtual Memory requires the new driver installed by Apple HD SC Setup
7.x. Virtual Memory does not work with drivers installed by Apple HD SC
Setup versions 2.0 and later (before System version 7.0).

Apple HD SC Setup 7.x is on the System 7.x "Disk Tools" floppy disk.

HD SC Setup returns the message, "Unable to find a suitable SCSI drive"

The Read Me file that comes with System Update 3.0 has a section titled "Installing System Update 3.0". Step 3 of the installation instructions section is called "Update your Apple Drivers".

These instructions state that System Update 3.0 contains a driver update for Apple hard disk drives. This update is for Apple hard disk drives only. HD SC Setup will not update the driver software on non-Apple drives.

If you are using a non-Apple hard disk drive, skip the part about updating the driver with HD SC Setup.

With regards to formatting, the hard disk drives sold by Apple in some Macintosh systems have different firmware than the drives sold by various third-party vendors -- though the mechanisms may be the same.

This firmware contains information that allows HD SC Setup to determine the type and size of drive it is looking at. If HD SC Setup does not understand the information in the firmware of a third-party drive, it will not access the drive in any way.

HD SC Setup "Update" button was dimmed (disabled)

The version of Apple HD SC Setup shipping with System 7.5 is 7.3.2. When Power Macintosh computers first shipped with System 7.1.2, they came with Apple HD SC Setup 7.3. System Update 2.0.1 included Apple HD SC Setup 7.2.2.

You will find that Apple HD SC Setup will not let you down-level the SCSI disk drivers. For example, HD SC Setup 7.2.x or earlier cannot be used to update a disk that was formatted or updated by HD SC Setup version 7.3.x.

The number used to determine the SCSI disk driver level is the second digit. So, any member of the 7.3.x family can update anything in the same family or lower versions. Once this update has been done, HD SC Setup versions 7.2.x and lower cannot update the SCSI disk drivers, and the update button will be dimmed or grayed out.

If you wish to use an earlier version of the SCSI disk drivers supplied with Apple HD SC Setup, you must reformat the drive.

The other case where the Apple HD SC Setup update button could be disabled, is when third-party format utilities are used to write a SCSI driver on the disk. Apple's HD SC Setup will not overwrite these, unless the drive is reformatted.

WARNING: You must back up your data before reformatting a?hard drive because the formatting process will delete all data.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012