System 7.5 Startup Disk With Minimal Network Software (2/95)

How do I make a floppy disk that can start my Macintosh and then access the network for system software network installations?

On the Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade CD, in the Administrator Tools folder, in the Network Access folder is the Network Access.image Disk Copy file. With this file you can create a startup floppy disk with network software for doing network installs from a server. The Read Me file is below.

Read Me for Network Access Disk
The Network Access Disk is a startup disk that works on all Macintosh computers. It also contains the minimum software required to connect to a server. This disk will allow you to perform a net install of system software and other simple tasks, such as "blessing" a system folder.

IMPORTANT: This disk does not have a full system on it and may not properly support all applications. It was designed for starting up all Macintosh computers (newer than the Macintosh Plus), running the Finder, the Chooser, and the Installer.

This disk contains the software necessary to connect to a server using LocalTalk cable. The LocalTalk connection must be to the printer port. The Responder resources are not on the disk.

The disk also contains the software necessary to connect to a server using EtherTalk. All Apple Ethernet cards are supported.

The Network Access disk does not contain any of the software necessary to support token ring network connections.

The only sound on the disk is the Simple Beep. The Sound control panel is not provided, but it will work if you open it from another disk. The only action you can take is setting the volume for the single alert sound.

The fonts on the disk are Chicago 12, Geneva 9 and 12, and Monaco 9. These fonts and sizes will support most any situation that this disk supports. If a window is set to display a different font or size, substitution and scaling may make the text look less than ideal; this is only cosmetic and will do no harm.

The system on this disk does not support printing.

Neither Apple Guide nor Balloon help is on the disk.

How to use this disk
For situations in which the system has become corrupted, but the hard disk is usable, it is possible to reinstall the system software by starting up from this disk. When startup is complete, you can select the Chooser from the Apple Menu and connect to a remote server that has the net install software. (You can also use an alias to the server instead of the Chooser.)

If the hard disk is not usable, try repairing it with the Disk Tools disk, then restart with the Network Access Disk.

In some cases, you may wish to install a completely new system on the hard disk while leaving the existing System Folder intact. To do this, first open the existing System Folder and drag the System file into any other folder. This "de-blesses" the current system folder. (Note: Previously hiding the Finder would accomplish this, but hiding the System file is now the only acceptable method.) To complete the de-blessing, you must close the System Folder and verify that the Finder no longer displays the special System Folder icon. Finally, change the System Folder's name. During the installation, the Installer will create a new System Folder.

Specific disk contents
The disk contains the same minimum core system file that is used on the Disk Tools disk and the Install 1 disk. The system additionally contains the resources for LocalTalk Port B and EtherTalk.

The Finder is the same minimum compressed version that is used on the Disk Tools disk.

The other supporting files are the Chooser, the Network control panel, AppleShare, and EtherTalk Phase 2. All of these files are identical to the versions included in System 7.5, except that they are compressed and have had their color icons removed for space. These files will not work with any system version prior to 7.5.

There is also an alias to the Network control panel in the Apple Menu Items folder for your convenience.

Tips and shortcuts
If you always install from the same server, consider making an alias for it and adding it to the Apple Menu Items folder or the Startup Items folder.

If you only use aliases to connect to servers, you may remove the Chooser from the disk.

If you never have to switch between LocalTalk and EtherTalk, you may remove the Network control panel. You may also remove the alias to it from the Apple Menu Items folder.

If you use only LocalTalk, you may remove the EtherTalk Phase 2 file from the disk.

After analyzing your needs and removing files that you don't need, you may be able to free enough space for other files that are more important to you. For example, consider trading the Network control panel for the Apple CD-ROM driver from the Disk Tools disk.

Be aware of the need for applications and control panels to write preference files to the disk; there is very little free space.

If you use the Chooser, the disk must remain unlocked for it to write the AppleShare Prep file.

The Chooser writes configuration data to itself that may require as much as 7K of disk space. If there is not enough disk space available, the Chooser may become corrupted. If this happens, the next time you attempt to use the Chooser, you will see error code -39. To correct this, you will need to create another copy of this disk from the original image.

Article Change History:
16 Feb 1995 - Changed keyword and reviewed for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012