LTV Portable Pro: Some Units Do Not Produce PAL Signal

We received a Focus Enhancements LTV Portable Pro as part of our Apple Presentation System. This unit should be producing a PAL video signal, and we are attaching it to a PAL television. When we try to use the LTV Portable Pro, the image on the television is black and white -- we cannot get any color.

Is it possible that we received a NTSC version of the LTV Portable Pro?
Some PAL versions of the LTV Portable Pro were configured incorrectly during the manufacturing process. This problem causes the LTV Portable Pro to send a black and white image to a PAL television.

The few units that were incorrectly configured must be repaired by an authorized technician. Customers who obtain one of these units should contact Focus Enhancements for warranty repair.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012