The Power Macintosh Upgrade card allows the use of the 1024 X 768 resolution when using a 17-inch Multiple Scan monitor. When the Power Macintosh Upgrade card is disabled and the resolution is left at 1024 x 768, the Quadra 700 will lose video on restart. Customers will lose video in 68040 mode if they turn off the Power Macintosh Upgrade card after they have set the video resolution to 1024 x 768.
Removing the battery for 30 minutes will reset the PRAM so that the Quadra 700 would output video to the 17-inch Multiple Scan monitor at 640 x 480. The following workaround eliminates the need to pull the backup battery.
1. Shut down the Quadra 700 and remove the video cable from the Quadra 700.
2. Restart the unit and allow it to run approximately one minute.
3. Power down the Quadra with the power on/off button on the back of the unit.
4. Plug the video cable back in and power up the Quadra.
Video will be restored at the 640 x 480 resolution.