The PC Network Extension lets the DOS Compatibility Card access built-in Ethernet. The error message results when the PC Network Extension is looking for a network that is not present. Usually this is because AppleTalk is off. To eliminate the error at startup, you have three options.
(1) Upgrade to version 1.0.7 of the PC Setup software.*
(2) Use the Chooser to turn AppleTalk on.
(3) Drag the PC Networking Extension from the Extensions folder to the Trash (provided that you are not using a PC network).
The PC Network Extension is not required unless you plan on using network services on the DOS Compatibility Card. If you are using the DOS Compatibility Card's networking capabilities, make sure AppleTalk is active.
PC Setup software v1.0.7 is not compatible with the DOS Compatibility Card for the Macintosh Quadra 610 or Centris 610.
Article Change History:
29 Aug 1995 - Added information about turning on AppleTalk.
10 Aug 1995 - Added info about PC Network Extension version 1.0.7.
22 May 1995 - Updated article with more complete information.
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