System 7.5: MYST Install Overwrites QuickTime 2.0 (01/95)

When the included installation procedures are followed for the MYST CD-ROM, produced by Broderbund Software, the System 7.5 QuickTime 2.0 is replaced with an older version. According to Broderbund's Tech Support the MYST game should be used with QuickTime 2.0.

If the user has already followed the MYST Installation instructions, then the simplest solution may be a Custom System Software install. The user should select only the QuickTime software (in the Multimedia Software folder), which replaces the older QuickTime 1.X from the MYST install with the 2.0 version from Apple.

Prior to installing MYST, the user can make a copy of the QuickTime file in the System Folder to a new file name (such as QuickTime Save). After installing MYST, the user can copy the QuickTime Save file back over the QuickTime file in the System Folder.

Other Tips
Broderbund also says that Multimedia Tuner 2.0 is required. This should be available through fulfillment, online services, and Apple Authorized dealers.

Sound Manager 3.0 is also added with a MYST installation. Some other older applications/extensions may not be compatible with Sound Manager.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012