LaserWriter 16/600 PS: Problems With Quark Xpress EPS files 5/95

If I import an EPS file that is resized or cropped in Quark XPress 3.3, it prints out in its entirety on a LaserWriter 16/600 PS, not cropped as it appears on the screen. How can I fix this?

The fix to this problem, a patch, created by Quark, gets downloaded automatically with each print job. The patch is in the form of a Quark PDF file.

This PDF file is currently available on several online services. The following are the locations from which QuarkXPress users can obtain the PDF for LaserWriter 16/600 PS:

America Online
Mac = Keyword: Quark -> Quark Software Libraries -> Misc. Downloads -> filename: LaserWriter 16/600 PDF

Win = Keyword: Quark -> Quark Software Libraries -> QXP Windows XTensions ->
filename: WN16-600.PDF

Mac = Go: Quark -> Software Libraries -> library section 6 (PDFs/PPDs) ->
filename: M16600.PDF

Win = Go: Quark -> Software Libraries -> library section 6 (PDFs/PPDs) ->
filename: L16600.PDF

(Macintosh version only)
Software Sampler
. >3rd Party Demos/Updates
. >Software Updates
. >Companies K-R
. >Quark
. >Mac Software Libraries
. >Printer Description Files
. LaserWriter 16/600 PDF

Alternately if customers do not have access to any online services, they can call Quark. When they call customers merely need to mention that they have the LaserWriter 16/600 PS - Quark Xpress clipping problem and that they have been informed that Quark has a fix for the problem. Then they can request that fix be sent to them.

The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.

This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 3, Page 9

Article Change History:
31 May 1995 - Added Info Alley information; made minor updates.
17 Mar 1995 - Added solution to the problem.
21 Feb 1995 - Added more detail about the resolution.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012