Deleted AppleMail Messages Reappear After Server Crash (3/95)

After a PowerShare Mail Server crash we found that hundreds of previously read and deleted mail messages reappeared in our users' inboxes. There were also messages that appeared in the Administrator's inbox.

PowerShare stores mail messages in the Server Bin folder in the PowerShare Mail Data folder. Also within this folder is a file named QMgrCatalog. This file, in conjunction with the catalog data files in the PowerShare Catalog Data folder, keeps track of what messages have been read and by whom.

In the event of a server crash PowerShare does its best to rebuild this information from the available files. If the QMgrCatalog is damaged or deleted, a new QMgrCatalog is created with all messages in the Server Bin Folder are marked as unread.

The PowerShare mail server performs message purging at startup, and then once an hour after startup. It follows the criteria specified by the administrator, for example remove no, read, or all messages that are at least X days old. However, the purging process functions for five seconds before it terminates, which means all of the mail may not be deleted on each purge cycle.

NOTE: For a message to be deleted from the Server Bin folder all recipients must have read the message (and deleted it if the server is not doing so automatically). If the server crashes between the time the last recipient has read the message and the time set for deleting messages, then it is possible for that message to show up again (even though it was read by everyone). This explains why messages with large distribution lists are more likely to appear. The chance that at least one of the recipients had not read or deleted the message is much higher with a large distribution list.

Article Change History:
27 Mar 1995 - Added section on purge process.
22 Feb 1995 - Added keyword; made minor technical updates.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012