Changing Paper Trays
The HP PCL escape code sequence for selecting paper trays is:
<esc> = escape character
l = lowercase L
# = refer to following values below:
0 - source current (default)
1 - 250 sheet cassette
2 - Multipurpose tray
4 - 500 sheet cassette
6 - Envelope Feeder
For example, if you wanted to use the 500 sheet cassette, you would use the following escape code: <esc>&l4h
Changing Page Size
The HP PCL escape command for selecting the page size is:
<esc> = escape character
l = lower case L
# = refers to the following page sizes:
2 - letter
3 - legal
1 - executive
26 - A4
80 - Monarch Envelope
81 - Comm. 10 Envelope
For example, if you wanted to print on a legal-sized page you would send: <esc>&l3A
In both of the examples above, to enter <esc>, press the Ctrl-P keys followed by the Esc key.
Note: You must use an ASCII text editor like DOS EDIT. You cannot enter the <esc> character in some Windows-based editors like Notepad.