System 7: Network Control Panel Pre-Installed or Not? (1/95)

Is the "Network Control Panel" pre-installed on all System 7 or later Macintosh computers? Please include Macintosh Performa models in this discussion.

The Network Control Panel is not normally pre-installed on a Macintosh system that only has LocalTalk capability.

On a machine, such as a Quadra or Power Macintosh that comes with built-in Ethernet, it will be pre-installed since there are two network interfaces to choose between: LocalTalk or EtherTalk.

In the Macintosh Performa line of computers, Ethernet is usually an optional capability. The exception to this rule is the Performa 61xx series which all have built-in Ethernet. However, unlike most Macintosh models, the Performa models usually will have the Network control panel pre-installed whether they have built-in Ethernet or not.

How to install the Network Control Panel:

* It can be installed from a Network Software Installer disk.
* It can be installed by selecting a Custom Install from the System
Software disks.
- If installing from System 7.0, 7.1, or System 6.0.x disks,
choose EtherTalk from the custom install selections.
- If installing from System 7.5, choose Network from the Control Panel
options in the custom install selections
* It can also be installed by running the installer for any one of several
Apple Remote Access products.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012