Who Built America CD and Type 15 Error (2/97)

When I try to launch the application on my "Who Built America?" CD I get a Type 15 error. I got this CD with the Apple Education Series Elementary Reference Bundle. I installed a new version of QuickTime (2.0), but that didn't fix the problem. What's wrong?

The CD (compact disc) you have, "Who Built America? From the Centennial to the Great War, 1876ð1914 by The American Social History Project," is produced by the Voyager Company.

The Type 15 error will occur regardless of which version (1.6.1 or 2.0) of QuickTime is installed in your system.

The reason you are getting a Type 15 error message is that the "Who Built America?" HyperCard stack needs a higher memory allocation. The Voyager Company has stated that the HyperCard Player application needs to have 5MB of RAM allocated to it in order to open their HyperCard stack.

HyperCard Player is available on the "Who Built America?" CD and in the Extras folder of the System 7.5 CD. Copy it from one of these CDs to your Macintosh Hard Drive.

To Allocate More Memory to HyperCard Player
1) Quit out of the HyperCard Player application if it is running.

2) Locate and click on the HyperCard Player application icon on your
  Macintosh hard drive (not the HyperCard Player application on the CD).

3) Choose "Get Info" from the File menu and increase the amount of
  memory allocated to the HyperCard Player application in the "Preferred
  size" box to 5000.

4) Close the "Get Info" window and double-click the HyperCard stack
  "Who Built America?" on the CD.

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Article Change History:
24 Feb 1997 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.
09 Mar 1995 - Changed title to clarify problem.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012