PowerTalk and System 7.5: -15064 Error (2/95)

We have two computers set up with System 7.5 and PowerTalk. One is new with clean system software, the other is an existing computer. Everything works fine except for PowerTalk. The situation is as follows:

* We use several mail services like CompuServe, MS Mail, and Eudora.

* On the clean computer, when we select "I'm at..." and then click on any of the options, there is no problem.

* On the existing computer, when we select either MS Mail, or Direct Dial from "I'm at...", an error, -15064, appears.

We tried to resolve the problem by start the existing computer with only system 7.5 extensions loaded. We added one extension at a time, then tried selecting MS Mail or Direct Dial until the error appeared. The error still appeared and we couldn't track it down to any one extension. What is does the -15064 error signify?

The version of MS Mail used is 3.1d client and 3.1a server. We thought at first it was a Microsoft problem, but with the error appearing on Direct Dial also, it looks more like a system error.

Any help you could give, would be gratefully received.

In the course of testing with Direct Dialup, we also got the -15064 error when trying to enable Direct Dialup in the I'm at... menu. The only way we got around this error was to open the setup for Direct Dialup in the Key Chain and enter the phone number for the Modem Telephone. We suspect there may be a similar problem with the MS Mail setup. Error -15064 is: kMailSetFailed.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012