Power Macintosh: Macintosh Print Pack Not Compatible

Is the Macintosh Print Pack compatible with Power Macintosh computers or QuickDraw GX?
The current version of the Macintosh Print Pack is not compatible with QuickDraw GX or Power Macintosh computers. Macintosh Print Pack "may" work with System 7.5, but has not been tested.

GDT Softworks makes PowerPrint which provides the same functionality as the Macintosh Print Pack. You can contact GDT Softworks for additional information on PowerPrint. The current version of PowerPrint was tested with Power Macintosh computers.

Apple currently has no plans to update or upgrade the Macintosh Print Pack.

The Tech Info Library article#17159: "Locating Vendor Information", can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012