LaserWriter Pro 630: Virtual Memory Error

I have a LaserWriter Pro 630 with 8MB of RAM being used in a school lab on an Ethernet network. Occasionally the printer displays a virtual memory error when documents are printed that use TrueType fonts not present on the printer. If I reset the printer, every works fine. Later in the day however, the error may reappear.
You are getting the virtual memory error because the printer is running out of memory. Even with 8MB of RAM, the majority of it is taken up by the page buffer (especially with PhotoGrade or 600dpi). Power-cycling the printer clears out all temporary items in memory such as fonts, so it is not surprising that the print jobs work for a while, and then fail again once the fonts fill up memory.

Since it seems that you are downloading quite a few fonts to the printer, we would suggest enabling "Unlimited Downloadable Fonts" in the Page Setup Options dialog. This option purges each font from the printer's memory after it is used. As a result, print jobs will probably take longer to process, however, this should get rid of the PostScript errors.

If you will be constantly downloading fonts to the printer, you might want to purchase additional RAM, or even a hard drive for the printer to store the TrueType fonts.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012