Power Macintosh AV: Displaying PAL Video at 768 x 576 (2/95)

When using a Power Macintosh AV with PAL video output, I can't select the PAL standard resolution of 768 x 576. I can only select the 640 x 480 resolution. With this resolution selected, a black border is visible around the screen image.

We have many customers with this problem. Do you have any suggestions?

When outputting a Power Macintosh AV's screen as a PAL video signal, the 768 x 576 screen resolution may not be visible in the Monitors control panel.

To set the Power Macintosh AV card to this resolution, try these steps:

- Open the Monitors control panel
- Click on the Options button
- Check the Display Video on Television button
- Select PAL video
- Select Upon Restart Display Video on Television
- Restart the Power Macintosh

The Power Macintosh AV system should display the 768 x 576 resolution on the PAL monitor after restarting the computer. After restarting, you may want to reopen the Monitors control panel to adjust your video settings.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012