If you have a Power Macintosh and have trouble opening the Tutorial, Macintosh Guide, Shortcuts, or other Apple Guide databases, you may have extra files that do not belong on your computer. To solve the problem, follow the steps below:
1. Open the Extensions folder (inside the System Folder) and drag the PowerBook Guide Additions file to the Trash
2. Unless your computer is an AV model*, drag the following items to the Trash:
- Video Guide Additions
- Video Player Guide Additions
- Speech Guide Additions
3. Choose Empty Trash from the Special menu
4. Restart your computer
* If you have a Power Macintosh 6100 AV, 7100 AV, or 8100 AV, you should remove these files. Even though it may work, Video Player is not supported on these computers.
What has happened is that an older guide file has been found by the new version of Apple Guide and it will not load the database. Removal of the above mentioned files will resolve the issue.
Article Change History:
05 Oct 1995 - Added information on early Power Macintosh AV models.
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