MAE 2.0: Has Modified Macintosh Network Resources (3/95)

This article describes the presence of several modified Macintosh extensions and control panels used in AppleTalk for Macintosh Application Environment (MAE).

AppleTalk for MAE 2.0 relies on the presence of several modified Macintosh extensions and control panels to provide AppleTalk network services. These extensions and control panels, shown below, are different from those of Mac OS system releases and should not be replaced, modified, or upgraded. If these files are corrupted, they can be recreated by removing the System Folder and restarting MAE.

AppleTalk System Resources
* AppleShare: A Chooser extension that lets clients access to AppleShare File Servers.

* LaserWriter 8: A Chooser extension that enables Printing to AppleTalk Laser Printers.

* File Sharing Extension: An extension that implements System 7 Personal File Sharing.

* EtherNet Phase 2: A network extension that implements AppleTalk over an Ethernet data link.

* Network Extension: An extension that implements additional AppleTalk drivers.

* Sharing Setup control panel: Lets the user set owner name, password, and Machine Name, and to disable or enable Program Linking and File Sharing.

* File Sharing Monitor control panel: Monitors the use of File Share volumes by remote users.

* Users & Groups control panel: Lets the Macintosh owner create users and groups to control access to File Share volumes.

* Network control panel: Lets the Macintosh user set the zone and select an AppleTalk interface.

Article Change History:
22 Mar 1995 - Made correction for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012