QuickDraw GX: Installing Printing Extensions (3/95)

This article describes installing the QuickDraw GX printing extensions that come with System 7.5 CD-ROMs (both Personal and Multi-User Kits).

In order to use QuickDraw GX printing extensions you must have QuickDraw GX installed. If you are not using QuickDraw GX, you cannot use the printing extensions.

Peirce Software, Inc. in conjunction with Apple Computer, provides a free copy of Peirce Paper Saver and Peirce Watermark. Peirce Paper Saver and Peirce Watermark are QuickDraw GX printing extensions that enhance your printing capabilities when using QuickDraw GX printing and applications that support the new GX printing dialogs. Peirce Paper Saver allows you to print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper. You can print handouts or thumbnail printouts in configurations of 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, or 16 pages per printout, saving you paper and hassles when printing out handouts or proofing pages. Peirce Watermark lets you choose between six different text "Watermarks" to print in outline style on top of your pages.

Installations instructions

Step 1
Drag the Peirce Paper Saver and Peirce Watermark files from the QuickDraw GX Extras folder on the System 7.5 CD to your system folder (or to the extensions folder inside your system folder).

Step 2
Restart your Macintosh.

Step 3
After doing this you will be able to use Peirce Paper Saver and Peirce Watermark with any applications that support the new QuickDraw GX printing dialogs (such as the Finder, SimpleText, and third party applications) by clicking on the "More Choices" button on the left side of the printing dialog to see the installed GX printing extensions. You will also be able to access additional instructions and information directly from the Peirce Paper Saver and Peirce Watermark dialogs by clicking on the "More Info" button.

For technical support on Peirce Paper Saver or Peirce Watermark call Peirce Software, Inc.

The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012