Issue Description
Scrapbook versions 7.0 through 7.1.2 are Desk Accessories that look for a scrapbook file of type 'scbk' in the System Folder. With the introduction of System Software 7.5, a new version of the Scrapbook is included. Scrapbook version 7.5 is now an application (instead of a DA) which looks for a scrapbook file of type 'sbkt'. New features of the Scrapbook 7.5 application include:
* A Growable/resizable window
* Application is now Drag and Drop Aware
* Gives more information about data types
PageMaker 5.0 only knows how to open the older type of scrapbook files: 'scbk'. It has not yet been updated to open the newer type of scrapbook files: 'sbkt'. PageMaker will need to be updated by Adobe/Aldus to support this new file type.
The Power Macintosh 8100/100AV ships standard with System Software 7.5 and the new Scrapbook application. This Macintosh will not run on any operating system other than System Software 7.5. This explains why this particular user is unable to open their scrapbook file.
Until Adobe/Aldus updates PageMaker, a solution is to change the file type of the new scrapbook file to 'scbk'. This can be done fairly easily with ResEdit or some shareware applications like File Buddy and Drop*GetInfo. After changing the file type of the Scrapbook file, PageMaker should be able to open it just as it would the older type of file.
Note: If the user launches the Scrapbook application and the scrapbook file is in the System Folder, the Scrapbook application will automatically update the file and creator type to the newer type. In other words, if the customer is going to alter the scrapbook file as suggested in the workaround above, they should not keep the scrapbook file in the System Folder because the next time they open the application the file type will change back to the new file type.
Warning: The instructions in this article refer to using ResEdit to alter your software. Apple Computer, Inc., is not liable for any damage done to your software through the use of ResEdit.