ImageWriter II: Problem When Using A/B Switchbox (6/97)

Our customer currently has an ImageWriter II and Color StyleWriter Pro connected to their computer via an A/B switch box. They are able to print to the StyleWriter, then switch and print to the ImageWriter, but when they switch back to print to the StyleWriter, they get the message "The serial port is currently in use by another program, please quit that program and try printing again."

This message will continue to appear until they restart the machine and then it prints fine.

What is the problem?

This has been a long-standing issue with the ImageWriter driver where it captures the serial port for its use and then does not release it. The workaround you provided for your customer is the best suggestion, and should work but listed below are additional workarounds to try.

Other Possible WorkaroundsNOTE: This software can be found on These apps should work, but they are not an Apple-supported solution. Please refer to the shareware app developer for support.

There are currently no plans to revise the ImageWrier driver.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012