AppleSearch 1.5: Max. Users & Terminate Inactive Users

I'm evaluating AppleSearch 1.5 Server running on a Power Macintosh 8100/100 to serve a client base of approximately 4,000 users. I need confirmation of the maximum number of simultaneous connected clients. I assume this number would be 150 since that is the number supported by AppleShare 4.0.x. Is this assumption correct? If not, are they limited by the number of clients signed on to the server or by the number of clients actually performing searches?

Also, is there any recommended way to force AppleSearch clients off the server after a specified period of inactivity?
AppleSearch has a limit of 50 simultaneous user connections, in other words, users logged into AppleSearch. See page 50 of the "AppleSearch Administrator's Guide."

As of March, 1995 there is no mechanism that would terminate inactive AppleSearch clients from the server. Scheduled reporters and the way they work make terminating inactive clients difficult to implement. This is because users need to be connected to the server in order to receive the data obtained from a scheduled reporter, so users could be inactive for extended periods of the time.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012