Following are the data transfer rates for the Macintosh:
Serial Port (external):
AppleTalk: 230.4K baud
Asynchronous: 57.6K baud (maximum rate)
Synchronous: 920K baud (maximum rate with external clock)
Disk Drive Port: 500K baud
68000 Processor Access Rates (internal):
ROM at: 8 MHz
RAM at: 6 MHz
NOTE: The BlockMove Routine in ROM allows you to move blocks of data from
one location of memory to another at ROM speed (8 MHz). Otherwise, the
normal RAM transfer rate is 6 MHz.
Processing Data Rate
13.3 megabits per second
NOTE: This rate is calculated using the definition in Federal Register,
Volume 49 Number 252, page 50619.
Refer to the Motorola 68000 User's Manual for address calculation times as
well as for processing and instruction execution times.