After an extensive debugging effort put forth by Apple and Microsoft, we have located the cause of the crashes or freezes that many of you see in the native Microsoft Word 6, Word 6.0.1, and Excel 5 when QuickDraw GX is installed on PowerPC computers. These crashes can generate several error messages including "Type 11" and "No FPU Installed".
The problem is believed to be caused by a bug in a piece of PowerPC code used by Microsoft in their native versions of both Microsoft Word and Excel use. The bug is NOT in QuickDraw GX, System 7.5, System 7.5 Update 1.0, or System 7.5 Update 2.0.
The nature of the bug makes it somewhat random whether or not your computer will crash, but the solution or temporary workaround guidelines are listed below. Apple and Microsoft engineers are discussing this problem, and Microsoft's Customer Support staff should have more information in a few days. This problem has been resolved by Microsoft.
Microsoft has made available a file called MC1164 which can be obtained from their Customer Support or online services.
If you are running the native versions of the Microsoft products along with QuickDraw GX, then you may experience crashes during printing. In fact, this problem could result in crashes even when QuickDraw GX is not installed, although we are not currently aware of any such reports. To fully avoid the problem (especially if you are using QuickDraw GX), run the non-native versions of these Microsoft products.
If you feel the need to use the native versions of these products, along with QuickDraw GX, and you are using a US system, then you can reduce your risk of crashes by doing the following. (Note that non-technical Macintosh users should ask one of their technical friends to help them out.)
Step 1
Copy (option drag) the Fonts folder from your System Folder to your desktop.
Step 2
Make another folder on your desktop called "Disabled fonts".
Step 3
Using ResEdit, open each file in the Fonts folder that's on your desktop. If any file doesn't contain 'sfnt' resources, close the file and move it to the "Disabled fonts" folder using the Finder.
Step 4
Drag the Fonts folder from your system folder to the trash.
Step 5
Drag the Fonts folder that's on your desktop to your system folder.
Step 6
NOTE: If after step 5 you do not have the Chicago, Geneva, and Monaco fonts in your system folder's Fonts folder, then reinstall your fonts using the system 7.5 installer.
If you are running the native versions of these applications, the fonts in the "Disabled fonts" folder must be temporarily removed in order to avoid this bug. If you cannot bear to part with these fonts, reconsider installing the emulated versions of the applications. Be sure to hold onto the disabled fonts for when a fix is available. There is nothing wrong with these fonts, but having them installed causes a high risk code path to be taken. Without these fonts installed, your risks of crashing drop significantly.
Microsoft customer support should be able to answer your questions about this issue or explain how to get their latest MC1164 software update.
Article Change History:
05 Jun 1996 - Updated for technical accuracy.
21 Nov 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.
17 Aug 1995 - Made format changes.