PROBLEM: The computer doesn't recognize the camera.
SOLUTION: Different devices and programs may compete with the camera for the use of a serial port on your computer. If there's a problem, a message tells you that the camera is not responding.
- Make sure the serial cable is connected properly, the camera is turned on, and the batteries have enough power.
- If you connect the QuickTake camera to COM3 or COM4 and experience communication problems, you need to check the Windows Ports control panel settings. (The Control Panel group is located in the Main window.)
To Check Windows Ports control panel settings:
Step 1
Open the Windows Ports control panel.
Step 2
Select COM3 or COM 4
Step 3
Click the Settings button
Step 4
In the dialog box that appears, click the Advanced button.
Step 5
In the Advanced Settings dialog box, make sure the settings are:
. - COM1 3F8 IRQ4
. - COM2 2F8 IRQ3
. - COM3 3E8 IRQ4
. - COM4 2E8 IRQ3
Step 6
Click OK
If you changed the settings, you must restart Windows for the new settings to take effect. When you click OK, a message lets you choose to restart now or delay the restart.
If you are using several serial devices with your computer, make sure that the line IRQSharing=ON exists in the [386enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file.
PROBLEM: Your computer reboots when you try to communicate with the camera.
SOLUTION: The Windows software on some computers cannot receive data at the speed the camera sends it and can cause a reboot. To remedy the problem, you must change the speed.
To change the speed:
Step 1
On your computer, double-click the QuickTake Serial Ports icon to run the application.
Step 2
In the dialog box that appears, change the baud rate to 9600.
Step 3
With the camera connected to your computer and turned on, click Test.
If your computer communicates successfully with the camera at 9600 baud, a message tells you so. If you computer cannot communicate with the camera at 9600 baud, there is one way to fix the problem: Install a low-cost, high-speed serial card equipped with a buffered 16550 UART. (High-speed serial cards with this feature clearly advertise it on the box).
Step 4
Repeat steps 2 and 3, gradually raising the baud rate and testing the result.
For example, change the baud rate from 9600 to 19,200.
Step 5
If a test causes the computer to reboot, run the QuickTake Serial Ports application again and change the baud rate back to the next lower number.
For example, if the computer reboots when the baud rate is 38,400, change it back to 19,200.
At slower baud rates, it takes longer to transfer images from the camera to your computer. If this is a problem, see the next item.
PROBLEM: It takes too long to transfer images from the camera to your computer.
SOLUTION: If you think it takes too long to transfer images from your camera to your computer, you can upgrade your hardware to avoid the problem. Install a low-cost, high-speed serial card equipped with a buffered 16550 UART. (Most high-speed serial cards come with this feature clearly advertised on the box.)
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