QuickTime for Windows 2.0.2: Changes from version 2.0.1

This article provides a list of changes in QuickTime for Windows 2.0.2 from version 2.0.1. A separate article covers changes made between versions 2.0 and 2.0.1.
1. Updated enum {hintsScrubMode} to be consistent with Inside Macintosh (does not affect any known applications).

2. Added enum {hintsLoop} to public interfaces.

3. Added new selector to VHDW components to hint the bounds rect for image drawing.

4. Movie controller component update to differentiate between UI and program requests.

5. Movie controller does not preroll from start when looping.

6. Movie controller uses enum {hintsloop} while looping.

7. MCI controller now uses "NULL_BRUSH" instead of "WHITE_BRUSH" to paint background prior to video display. This avoid white flash during preroll of movie.

8. Viewer can be installed multiple times in the same windows session.

9. Added more BMP types to QTCodec.h.

10. Modified PICT decompression to behave more closely to Macintosh toolbox when malformed PICTs are decompressed.

11. Eliminated sound popping of IMA audio on Forte-16 sound cards.

12. Added QTW.INI setting "[sound] channelcontrol={8 or 16} that allows user to force 8-bit audio even when they have a 16-bit audio card. This allows users to avoid hardware DMA conflicts without reconfiguring their hardware.

13. Improved performance of IMA audio compression.

14. Allow same application to use QTW APIs and MCI/QT APIs simultaneously.

15. Changed AlignWindow to movie down/right instead of up/left.

16. Initialize EDI instead of DI in WHDW components.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012