The situation you describe may occur with any serial device connected directly to your serial port.
The Remote Only option directs AppleTalk traffic to only the serial port in use by ARA. The other network options allow AppleTalk traffic to go to both the ARA serial port and the network connection defined in the Network or AppleTalk control panel.
The Remote Only option is needed in two situations. The first situation, and most likely, is where an individual has an ImageWriter printer or other local serial device connected to the Printer serial port and has no networking card installed. When using ARA the Remote Only option must be selected since the default networking option is LocalTalk Built-In. If AppleTalk is made active and the Remote Only option is not selected, the serial device plugged into the Printer port will receive the AppleTalk data packets. The only possible way to use that serial device when using ARA is to use the Remote Only option. If another network option is selected, such as Ethernet or Token Ring, then the AppleTalk traffic is directed to the Ethernet or Token Ring card and the ARA serial port, not the Printer port.
The second situation occurs when a network service on the remote network has the same network identity as a service on the local network. In this case the remote service is not seen, only the local one. In order to see the remote service the Remote Only option must be selected. This will hide all the local network services and allow the ARA client to see everything on the remote network.
Use the following steps to change the AppleTalk connection to Remote Only when using Open Transport or Classic AppleTalk networking software. Be sure you are not connected through ARA when you start.
If You Are Using Open Transport Networking
1. Open the AppleTalk control panel and click Remote Only.
2. Open the Chooser, select your serial printer, and highlight the port to which you have connected the printer.
3. Open the AppleTalk control panel. For the next step, the control panel software must be in Advanced or Administration mode. (You can change the user mode by selecting User Mode from the Edit menu when the AppleTalk control panel is open.)
4. Verify that AppleTalk is active (by clicking on the Options button in the AppleTalk control panel). If AppleTalk is not active, click the button to make AppleTalk active. Then click OK.
If You Are Using Classic AppleTalk Networking
1. Open the Network control panel and click Remote Only. It will give you a message stating that network services will be disconnected. Click OK.
2. Open the Chooser, select your serial printer, and highlight the port to which you have connected the printer.
3. Verify that AppleTalk is active (by looking at the AppleTalk setting in the Chooser window).
You should now be able to print to your local serial printer while either connected, or not connected to ARA.
Note: It is not possible to change a network connection while using ARA. The ARA session must be disconnected, the network connection changed, and the ARA session re-established.