MacTerminal 2.0: Changes that affect 3278 emulation

Following are some of the changes in Macterminal 2.0 that affect 3278

1. 25th LINE: For status line. You need, of course, to re-configure your

2. NEW LINE: Now supported! The "Return" key is now NEW LINE. The "Enter"
key retains its old function, ENTER.

3. NUMERIC KEYPAD: Remapped to include all 3278 keys--no numeric keys!

4. PASTE in PROFS: Now you can paste data into a PROFS file as well as any
other IBM application that does not use line numbering. (Only through an
AppleLine, though.) Pasting multi-line text selections into IBM 3278
documents with MacTerminal 1.1 caused ENTER to be sent after each line.
This problem has been fixed.

5. RECORD SCREENS: More trap-conditions were added. You still can't see
your ISPF screens, but at least in plain TSO you can LIST a file, and
it'll be recorded.

NOTE: The selection box for Recording Screens appears under FILE

6. CURSOR POSITIONING OVERRUN: If you work with a protocol converter that
can't handle the big burst of characters sent on cursor positioning (up
to 312 chars...), put some DELAY BETWEEN CHARS!

7. DELETE on Pull-Down Keypad: Now sends the right sequence ('7F'). There
is no way to produce '1F'.

8. SHIFT-TAB for BackTab has been added.

9. APPLE CLUSTER CONTROLLER: Full support now exists for Pull-Down Keypad.

10. Increased throughput: This is probably more noticable at higher baud
rates, but MacTerminal 2.0 receives and displays characters about 1.5
times more quickly as version 1.1.

Additional MacTerminal 2.0 differences are documented in the Tech Info
article entitled "MacTerminal 2.0: Differences."
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012