This document reflects the latest information on At Ease for Workgroups 3.0. Please read this document carefully. The software may have changed slightly since the manual was printed.
Installing At Ease
You should use the Installer program to install At Ease for Workgroups. Do not attempt to install At Ease by dragging files onto your hard disk. The Installer places the files in the correct locations on the disk.
Before using the At Ease Installer program, make sure you have quit all other application programs. If you have trouble installing, temporarily turn off all extensions by holding down the Shift key while you restart your computer. Then try installing again.
If you install At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 on a computer running system software version 7.0 or 7.1 and you later install version 7.5 on your computer, use the Custom Install option of the At Ease Installer to install the At Ease Guide.
Installing Mouse Practice
Install Mouse Practice immediately after installing At Ease for Workgroups.
Removing At Ease
If you decide to remove At Ease for Workgroups, use the At Ease Installer program. Never attempt to remove At Ease from your System Folder while At Ease is turned on. See the manual for more information on removing At Ease.
Getting Help in At Ease
In addition to the manual and this Read Me file, there are two ways of obtaining online help in At Ease for Workgroups.
Apple Guide (System 7.5 Users)
If you are using system software version 7.5 or later, you can use Apple Guide to get instructions for using At Ease. At Ease Guide, the Apple Guide for the At Ease panels, is available from the Guide menu whenever At Ease is the active application program.
Balloon Help
Balloon Help is available for almost every function of At Ease. To activate Balloon Help, choose Show Balloons from the Guide menu (system software version 7.5) or the Help menu (system software version 7.0 or 7.1). When you are finished using Balloon Help, choose Hide Balloons from the Guide menu or Help menu.
Some Changes From At Ease 2.0
You can now register a maximum of 4000 users in up to 200 setups. (The maximum number of users allowed in a single setup is 1000.) For best performance, however, Apple recommends a limit of 1000 users total and 300 users per setup. For networked setups, performance depends on the speed of your network, the server, and each computer using At Ease.
In previous versions of At Ease for Workgroups, the log sometimes showed successful attempts to open the At Ease Setup program even when no one had tried to open it. This bug has been fixed in version 3.0.
Upgrading From Earlier Versions of At Ease
For most upgrades, your administrator password (if you had one) will remain the same in the At Ease Setup program in At Ease for Workgroups 3.0. When the At Ease Setup program asks for an administrator name, type "At Ease Administrator," which is the default administrator name.
Upgrading From Version 1.x
If you are upgrading from At Ease version 1.x to At Ease for Workgroups 3.0, you must first remove the old version by using the At Ease Installer program that came with the old version. When the Installer screen is displayed, hold down the Option key to change the Install button to Remove. Then click Remove to remove the old version.
*** The information above is incomplete. The correct procedure to remove At Ease 1.0 is:
Step 1
Double-click the At Ease 1.0 Installer.
Step 2
Click OK to pass the "Welcome to the At Ease Installer".
Step 3
Click on the Customize button.
Step 4
Select At Ease in the window on the left.
Step 5
Hold down the option key to change the Install button to a Remove button. ***
Any items you created in version 1.x are automatically assigned to a setup or user named At Ease 1.0.
Upgrading From Version 2.x
Upgrading from version 2.x to version 3.0 occurs automatically when you first run the At Ease Setup program of version 3.0. At Ease turns itself off at the end of the installation process, so you must run the At Ease Setup program to turn At Ease back on.
If you upgrade from any version of At Ease for Workgroups 2.0, you must run At Ease Setup on each computer to update the preferences files and databases before you can add the computer to the list of updated computers. (If a computer is already in the list, this step is unnecessary.)
Read Me correction: The information directly above is incomplete. It should state:
To update At Ease 2.x machines to At Ease 3.0, you must first follow the normal installation process. You should first startup your computer with extensions off by holding down the shift key while starting your Macintosh until it says "Welcome to Macintosh, Extensions Off". Run the installer program from the installer disk.
After upgrading the first computer to At Ease 3.0, you should be careful not to start any of the 2.x workstations that use the same At Ease server. If this is done, the 2.x workstation will get caught in a loop, displaying an error message that states that the machine should be restarted with an 'OK' button; after clicking on the button, the message re-appears and the only way out of the loop is to physically turn off the computer; force quit does not work.
When updating your workstations, be sure that no one is currently using At Ease from the server.
End Read Me correction.
Upgrading From Non-Workgroup (2.x or 3.0) to At Ease for Workgroups 3.0
At Ease creates setups in the new version for each user in the old version; the new setups have the same names as the old users. For example, if you had two users named Billy and Sally in the non-workgroup version, the At Ease Setup program of At Ease for Workgroups will now show two setups (Billy and Sally) and two users (also Billy and Sally). You can rename users and setups.
Installing Other Programs While Running At Ease
You should not install programs onto your hard disk while running At Ease for Workgroups. Before you install programs, turn At Ease off in the At Ease Setup program and restart your computer. When you finish installing programs, turn At Ease back on and restart the computer again. Programs you install onto your hard disk are not automatically added to At Ease setups or users; you must use the At Ease Setup program to provide access to the new programs.
If some program buttons are not displayed properly in At Ease after you install new software, you should rebuild your desktop. To do so, turn At Ease off and restart your computer. While the computer is restarting, hold down the Command and Option keys until you see a message asking whether you want to rebuild the desktop file. Click OK. When the computer has finished starting up, turn At Ease back on in the At Ease Setup program and restart the computer again.
Disk Security
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 includes an option for locking the startup disk. If you turn on this feature in the At Ease Setup program, do not attempt to update your disk driver, repair the startup disk, or install any other security software onto the startup disk. Doing so may cause you to lose all information on your startup disk. If you need to alter the startup disk in any of these ways, you must first turn off the Lock Startup Volume setting in the At Ease Setup program.
The startup disk security feature in At Ease does not work with some computers because of disk driver incompatibilities. If the feature is unavailable on your computer, the Lock Startup Volume checkbox is usually dimmed in the At Ease Setup program.
Shared Folder
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 includes a setting for preventing users of a setup from saving files in the shared folder. However, a user who is allowed to open and save documents anywhere will be able to save to the shared folder even if this setting is selected. To prevent users of a setup from saving to the shared folder, you must also limit their location for opening and saving.
Restricted Finder Users
There are several things you should know about the restricted Finder environment.
Security in the Restricted Finder
In trying to maintain compatibility with other programs, the restricted Finder environment can sometimes allow programs to bypass some of the security features you selected in the At Ease Setup program. If programs you use seem to pose security problems, you may want to remove them from your hard disk.
Security is maintained for restricted Finder users by creating a list of "approved" application programs, desk accessories, and control panels that can be opened by the user. This list includes
* all items in the current setup folder
* items in the Apple Menu Items folder (if you have given access to them)
* the Chooser (if you have given access to it)
* the Print Monitor
* items in the Startup Items folder (only if the setup will open them)
* items in the Shutdown Items folder
* items in the Control Panels folder (if you have given access to them)
* the At Ease Setup program (administrator password required)
* approved sub-launched programs (for more information, see "Sub-Launching Programs" later in this Read Me file)
If a document exists in any of these places, the application that created the document can also be opened.
The At Ease Setup program can always be opened because the administrator password restricts access.
The list of approved programs does not include programs in the user's own documents folder. (If it did, a user could copy a program from a floppy disk to his or her documents folder and attempt to open it without permission.)
Macintosh Guide and the Restricted Finder
Because of changes in the Finder made for restricted Finder users, instructions in Macintosh Guide (available from the Guide menu in system software version 7.5 or later) may not always be accurate. For example, when users who do not have access to control panels use Macintosh Guide to request instructions on adjusting the sound volume, they will not be able to complete the required steps.
Desktop Items and the Restricted Finder
When a user connects to (mounts) a disk other than the startup disk, items on the desktop of the disk are placed in a folder called "Items for Desktop," located at the top level of that disk. When the user disconnects from (unmounts) the disk, the items are not replaced on the desktop.
Copying in the Restricted Finder
If a user drags a folder for which he or she doesn't have access (such as another user's folder) into his or her own folder, the computer will not copy any files from the dragged folder, but it will add an empty folder of the same name to the hierarchy for the user's folder.
File Sharing and the Restricted Finder
File sharing does not work with the restricted Finder. When a restricted Finder user logs in, At Ease turns off file sharing. The next regular Finder user who logs in and wants to use file sharing must return to the Sharing Setup control panel and turn file sharing on again.
Do not use file sharing on computers that will be updated via the Update Computers command in At Ease Setup.
RAM Disks and the Restricted Finder
Do not use RAM disks if any user works in the restricted Finder; doing so may cause your computer to crash.
Sub-Launching Programs
Sub-launching is the process by which one program opens another program (called a subprogram) without the user having directly opened the subprogram. The security features of At Ease can sometimes interfere with a program's ability to sub-launch necessary subprograms. When a program attempts to sub-launch a subprogram to which a user has not been given access, the computer will usually display a -5000 error code.
There are two ways to allow programs to sub-launch the subprograms they need. In either case, the subprogram bypasses the security that At Ease provides.
* In the At Ease Setup program, open the Settings menu and choose Application Preferences. Add the necessary subprograms to the list, and then select each subprogram and click the checkbox labeled "Can be launched by other applications." This setting applies to all users and setups, so you need to follow this procedure only once. You should be aware that this setting allows all users-including restricted Finder users-to open the subprogram.
* In the At Ease Setup program, give access to all the necessary subprograms. This procedure allows you to specify which users or setups have access to the subprograms. The disadvantage of this procedure, however, is that users see a button for each subprogram even though they normally won't need to open the subprograms directly.
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 and Kid Pix Studio
Kid Pix Studio sub-launches each subprogram a child uses. But because of a software incompatibility, At Ease does not view these subprograms as application programs. To allow Kid Pix Studio to sub-launch its subprograms successfully, choose Application Preferences from the Settings menu of At Ease Setup and click the Custom button in the screen that appears. In the Custom Add screen, add each of the following subprograms:
Name | File Creator |
KPS 0 | Kid0 |
KPS 1 | Kid1 |
KPS 2 | Kid2 |
KPS 3 | Kid3 |
KPS 4 | Kid4 |
KPS 5 | Kid4 |
Read Me correction:
1. The above table is incorrect. The original Read Me states to type Kid4 again for the KPS 5 name, it should read Kid5.
2. Note: Due to web browser limitations, certain characters are not viewable. Therefore, in the table above Kid0 to Kid5 have an "option i" rather than an "i" character.
To type the i character in the file creator names, hold down the Option key while you type the letter i, then release the Option key and immediately type the letter i again.
For more information on using the Custom Add screen, see "Application Preferences" later in this Read Me file.
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 and Control Panels
Users who start out in the At Ease panels and switch to the Finder may experience problems when opening control panels. If they choose Control Panels from the Apple menu of the Finder, the Control Panels folder appears as expected. If they choose a particular control panel from the Control Panels submenu, however, they are returned to the At Ease panels. In most cases, the selected control panel appears in front of the At Ease panels. But for certain control panels, such as the Extensions Manager in system software version 7.5, a message appears saying that the selected control panel can't be opened in At Ease.
To avoid these problems, At Ease users who switch to the Finder should not use the Control Panels submenu. Instead, they should choose Control Panels from the Apple menu of the Finder and then double-click the control panel they want in the Control Panels window that appears.
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 and File Servers
Do not install At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 on an AppleShare server or a computer with file sharing turned on if you plan to use that computer as the At Ease server for your workgroup. If At Ease is installed on that computer, you can't use that computer as a member of the workgroup.
The At Ease Items folder contains important information about your At Ease setups. On most computers, this folder is located inside the System Folder. If you are using an AppleShare server to store your At Ease information, however, the folder is located at the top level of the selected server volume. Do not move or remove the At Ease Items folder; At Ease will not operate correctly if it is missing from the proper location.
You should use the Update At Ease Computers command any time you have changed the primary administrator's password. (Other computers on the network may not recognize the new password unless you update them.) If you use an At Ease server, the new password will be required the next time any user returns to the login screen.
When a user whose documents folder is on a server uses the Command-Shift-3 keystroke sequence to make a screen capture (a "snapshot" of what appears on the screen), the computer may take a minute or longer to save the screen capture in the user's documents folder. During that time, the screen will be frozen and the computer may seem to have crashed.
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 and CD-ROM Discs
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 includes a security feature for preventing users from ejecting CD-ROM discs without first entering the administrator password. However, it is possible on many CD-ROM drives to physically eject a CD-ROM disc by pressing an eject button on the drive itself. At Ease cannot prevent users from ejecting CD-ROM discs in this way.
At Ease can display only one CD-ROM panel at a time. If a user inserts another CD-ROM disc to which he or she has access, a message appears indicating that the disc can be accessed using buttons. If the user ejects the first CD-ROM disc, the second CD-ROM disc appears as a panel.
The CD-ROM Preferences feature does not work properly with audio CDs.
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 and the Find File Feature in System 7.5
While At Ease is running, Find File finds only those items in locations to which the user has complete access, including the user's documents folder and the Trash folder. Most other locations (including server volumes and the user's setup folder) do not return any information when Find File is used.
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 and the Startup Items Folder in System 7.5
Any item in the Startup Items folder will be opened at startup, even if you didn't give the user access to the item or to the program used to create it. If you don't want all users to have access to an item, don't place the item in the Startup Items folder.
Application Preferences
The Custom button in the Application Preferences screen should be used only when At Ease security settings are interfering with a program's ability to sub-launch other programs that it needs and the "Can be launched by other applications" setting doesn't solve the problem. It is very unlikely that you will need to use the Custom button.
When you click the Custom button, the Custom Add screen appears. You provide a name (which can be anything you like, since it's needed only for display in the list of applications) and the file creator for each subprogram you are having difficulty sub-launching. You must type the file creator exactly, including any spaces and special characters. (You can usually get the name of the file creator from the developer of the software.)
The Custom button also allows you to remove programs from the Application Preferences list-even programs that you added to the list using the Add Other button. To do so, click a program's name in the list and click the Custom button. If the Custom Add screen does not already include a name and file creator for the program, type the program's name (exactly as it appears in the list) and its file creator. Then click Remove.
Importing Users
If your user list is in a format that cannot be read by At Ease, save it as a standard 'TEXT' file. At Ease will then be able to read in the information.
Database Consistency Checking
At Ease for Workgroups 3.0 uses a sophisticated database for handling user information. If a problem is detected, the At Ease Setup program alerts the administrator and asks whether it should verify the database files. When the verification is complete, a file called Consistency Check Report appears on the startup disk.
The administrator can also manually start the verification process by holding down the Command key while starting the At Ease Setup program.