Your new Fax software is probably conflicting with the original TelePort Bronze or TelePort Gold II software that shipped with your computer. You may want to remove the old TelePort software completely from the computer.
Global Village TelePort Bronze
The software to remove is stored in the following locations:
System Folder: Apple Menu Items: Fax Center
System Folder: Extensions: GlobalFax
System Folder: Control Panels: TelePort/Bronze (may be called Fax Modem)
System Folder: GlobalFax Files
System Folder: GlobalFax Personal
Global Village TelePort Gold II
The software to remove is stored in the following locations:
System Folder: Apple Menu Items: Fax Center
System Folder: Control Panels: TelePort Serial
System Folder: Extensions: Global Village Toolbox
System Folder: Extensions: GlobalFax
System Folder: GlobalFax Files
System Folder: GlobalFax Personal
NOTE: The GlobalFax Files folder contains any Faxes you have sent, you may want to retain it and the Fax Center folder to later review any messages.
You can move the above files to single folder on your hard disk, and they will be deactivated after you restart your computer. You do not need to throw them away, unless you want to reclaim the disk space. If you do throw them away, be sure you make a backup of the software.
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