AppleShare Client For Windows: Installation Troubleshooting

This article describes potential issues you might encounter while installing and using AppleShare on your Windows computer. It tells you possible causes of each problem, and suggests steps you can take to resolve the problem.
Issues Installing AppleShare Client For Windows

The Installer doesn't automatically detect the network adapter card type and settings.
Microsoft Windows versions 3.1 and 3.11, and Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1 and 3.11, do not support self-configuring network adapter cards that provide this information. You must configure your card by installing jumpers or by using a software utility, and you must provide the card settings to applications that require them. Ask your network administrator for this information or see the documentation that came with your network adapter card.

During the installation process one of the following messages appears:
* Your system is configured with an incompatible AppleTalk network driver.
- You must remove the driver from your system before installing AppleShare. Please check the README.TXT file for information about removing incompatible drivers.

- AppleTalk is the set of network protocols or communications rules that AppleShare clients and servers use to communicate with each other. By default, the AppleShare Client for Windows Installer tries to install the version of AppleTalk included in the product. Only one version of AppleTalk can run on a single network adapter card. If the previously installed AppleTalk software is incompatible with AppleShare Client for Windows, you should cancel the installation process, remove the incompatible version of AppleTalk, and re-install AppleShare Client for Windows. For instructions on how to remove the Farallon PhoneNET version of AppleTalk, see the README.TXT file. The README.TXT file is located in the same directory in which you installed AppleShare Client for Windows (C:\\WINDOWS\\A_SHARE, by default).

* This product requires Windows to be running in Enhanced Mode.

- AppleShare Client for Windows requires Windows 3.1 running on a 386 or greater Intel-compatible computer. Windows on 286 computers runs in standard mode. Enhanced mode is a feature of 386 and greater Intel-compatible computers and is the default mode for Windows, however a WIN /S or WIN /2 command may be forcing your Windows system into standard mode. Check your WIN launch command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If the WIN launch command appears as WIN /S or WIN /2, then the /S or /2 parameter should be removed or the command should be changed to WIN /3 to install and run AppleShare Client for Windows. For information about the WIN /S, WIN /2, and WIN /3 commands, see your Microsoft Windows documentation.

* The Installer cannot be run while virtual DOS boxes are open. Please close all open DOS boxes prior to running the Installer.

- If you are running a DOS application or have started a DOS session from within Windows, then the DOS program or session must be closed before installing.

* A message appears, similar to the following: <a driver name or batch file name>

- The preceding reference to an incompatible driver was found in file: C:\\AUTOEXEC.BAT

- This message appears if you have PhoneNET Talk installed on your computer. (PhoneNET Talk is version of AppleTalk manufactured by Farallon Computing, Inc., which is incompatible with AppleShare.) The driver or batch file name identified by the error message must be removed from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file before you can install AppleShare Client for Windows.

WARNING: Removal of this drive or batch file name will disable PhoneNET Talk. You should make this modification to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file only if you are sure you (or applications on your computer) no longer need to use PhoneNET Talk.

Issues Starting DOS After You Install AppleShare Client For Windows

An error message appears after the following text is displayed:
NetWare Link Support Layer v2.14

<identity of your card driver>

ODI LAP TSR for AppleTalk, Version 1.0, Copyright (c) 1995 Miramar Systems Inc., Santa Barbara, CA.

An error message concerning the AppleShare Client software then appears. You have probably installed AppleShare Client for Windows for a network adapter card that is not supported by AppleShare Client for Windows, or the incorrect configuration information for your network adapter card was specified during installation. Make sure your network adapter card is supported by AppleShare. For information about the supported cards, see the Getting Started With AppleShare Client for Windows guide and the README.TXT file. The README.TXT file is located in the same directory in which you installed AppleShare Client for Windows (C:\\WINDOWS\\A_SHARE, by default). Check your NET.CFG file to ensure that you specified the correct network adapter card type, interrupt request level (IRQ), and memory address. To check your NET.CFG file you can use the DOS EDIT.COM program or the Windows NOTEPAD.EXE program. You may need to consult your network adapter card documentation or your network administrator to obtain the correct information for your card. Make the appropriate changes to the NET.CFG file and restart your computer.

The following error message appears while DOS is starting on your computer:
LSL out of resources.

This message occurs while the NetWare Link Support Layer (LSL) module is loading. If you had ODI-based networking software installed on your computer before you installed AppleShare Client for Windows, it is probable that one of the networks will not load properly when you start your computer. More memory is required by the LSL module. Add the following line to the LINK SUPPORT section of the NET.CFG file:


If the MAX STACKS statement already exists and its value is 6 or greater, then increase the number by two.

Issues Using Windows After You Install AppleShare Client For Windows

You experience problems using Windows or Windows crashes when you try to start it.
One or more of the following problems may exist:

* The wrong network adapter card was selected during installation. Check which network adapter card you have in your computer, then re-install AppleShare.

* The network adapter card is set for a different interrupt, I/O port, or memory address setting than was selected during the installation process. Check the proper settings for your network adapter card, then re-install AppleShare.

* Your network cables are damaged or improperly installed. Check for loose connections, damaged connectors, improper cable termination, and damaged cables and fix any of the problems that exist.

* A startup batch file is loading the network adapter card driver twice or with conflicting settings. See your system administrator.

* The NET.CFG or the ATDRIVER.BAT files were improperly modified. For AppleShare Client for Windows to run properly, certain files must be in the right places and entries in batch files must be correct. Use the information provided in the README.TXT file and the installation log (ATINSTAL.LOG). The README.TXT file is located in the same directory in which you installed AppleShare Client for Window (by default, C:\\APPLE\\A_SHARE) and the installation log file is copied to the top level of your C: drive.

* An incompatible version of AppleTalk is already installed on your computer. AppleShare Client for Windows allows only one version of AppleTalk software to be running on a single network adapter card. The Installer will not install AppleShare Client for Windows if it detects another version of AppleTalk already installed. Problems can occur, however, if an incompatible product is installed after AppleShare Client for Windows is installed. Examples of incompatible products include Farallon's PhoneNET Talk and network software based on PhoneNET Talk such as FileMaker Pro for Windows from Claris. Either remove the incompatible software or AppleShare for Windows.

NOTE: Your incompatible product may have been updated to work with the AppleShare Client for Windows; contact the manufacturer. MacLan Connect users should contact Miramar Systems, Inc. in Santa Barbara for a version of their software that is compatible with AppleShare Client for Windows.

* You have performed a custom installation on a computer with a Token Ring or LocalTalk network adapter card. Token Ring and LocalTalk network adapter cards are not supported by AppleShare for Windows. Use the Installer to remove AppleShare for Windows from your computer. Obtain a network adapter card that is supported, then re-install AppleShare. See Getting Started With AppleShare Client for Windows and the README.TXT file for information about supported network adapter cards. The README.TXT file is located in the same directory in which you installed AppleShare Client for Windows (by default, C:\\APPLE\\A_SHARE).
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012